Pupuk Indonesia Opens Registration for Subsidized Fertilizer Distributors for the 2025 Fiscal Year via DIMAS Application

  • Posted by User01
  • 27 August2024
  • 09:14WIB

Jakarta, August 26, 2024 – PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) has announced the opening of registration for new subsidized fertilizer distributors for the 2025 fiscal year. Registration will be open from September 1 to September 15, 2024, and will be conducted online using the Distributor Management System (DIMAS) application. DIMAS WEB APPLICATION

Deni Dwiguna Sulaeman, SVP of Sales Strategy & Customer Service at Pupuk Indonesia, stated that the company has implemented online registration for potential distributor partners since 2021, following the centralization of marketing functions within the Pupuk Indonesia Group.

"Pupuk Indonesia has announced the opening of registration for subsidized fertilizer distributor partners for the 2025 fiscal year through the DIMAS application. Prospective distributors who wish to register can visit dimas.pupuk-indonesia.com and prepare the required documents," Deni explained.

Deni added that the DIMAS application operates on principles of efficiency, effectiveness, accountability, competitiveness, fairness, and equity, which helps reduce intervention in the registration, evaluation, and appointment or designation of distributors. Online registration also ensures a transparent business process, speeding up the registration, evaluation, selection of distributors, and data integration.

The requirements to become a subsidized fertilizer distributor are outlined in the Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag) Number 04 of 2023 concerning the Procurement and Distribution of Subsidized Fertilizers for the Agricultural Sector, specifically in Article 6, paragraph (2). These requirements include engaging in general trading business activities; having an office and management actively conducting trading business at its place of domicile.

Additionally, candidates must meet general requirements to engage in trading activities, such as possessing a Business Identification Number (NIB) with Indonesia's Standard Classification of Business Fields 46652; having proof of control over registered warehouses and transportation equipment as per statutory regulations; holding a certificate from the head of the department responsible for trade, with a copy sent to the head of the department responsible for agriculture in the relevant district/city, recognizing them as a distributor for the duration of their appointment by the BUMN Pupuk Holding; and possessing a distribution network that is adequate in terms of economic scale, regional distribution, and willingness to serve businesses in every village or district in their area of responsibility; and meeting the criteria for small and/or medium-scale businesses with capital as per statutory regulations.

In addition, prospective distributors must meet additional requirements set by the producer, in this case, Pupuk Indonesia. These include: a letter of application to become a distributor; having an office and management actively engaged in trading activities at their place of domicile; a company deed of establishment; a Warehouse Registration Certificate (TDG) for all owned or controlled warehouses; a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP); a VAT Entrepreneur Registration Certificate (SPPKP);

Furthermore, candidates must provide a statement confirming that they are not currently experiencing issues with banking or other financial authorities; a declaration of commitment to carrying out the procurement and distribution of subsidized fertilizers in accordance with applicable government regulations and company policies; an Absolute Responsibility Statement from the distributor ensuring that all appointed retailers meet the regulatory requirements to become subsidized fertilizer retailers, and that they have no debts or obligations to PT Pupuk Indonesia as a consequence of discrepancies in distribution, stock-taking, or audit results.

"The prospective distributors will be verified by the regional sales team, both in terms of document completeness and physical inspections of the office building, warehouse capacity, and the fleet to be used. Approval must be obtained from the relevant regional GM according to applicable regulations, and the process will be escalated to the Director of Marketing," Deni concluded.

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