Following up on the Ombudsman's directives, Pupuk Indonesia is ready to support the roadmap and data integration of subsidized fertilizer policies

  • Posted by User01
  • 4 December2022
  • 14:38WIB

JAKARTA (30/11) - In order to follow up on the final inspection report (LAHP) from the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia (ORI), PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) is ready to support recommendations regarding the formation of a roadmap and data integration that makes it easier for farmers and kiosks to subsidized fertilizers.

The Ombudsman has launched LAHP Investigation on its Own Initiative regarding Maladministration in Data Collection and Redemption of Subsidized Fertilizers Using Farmer Cards.

“Thank you very much for the audit that was carried out by the Ombudsman. We are very appreciative, Pupuk Indonesia supports the road map which was prepared together with a team from the Ministry of Agriculture, the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy and under the supervision of the Ombudsman, KPK, BPK, and supported by BPKP," said PT Pupuk Indonesia's Pupuk Subsidy Reform SPM, Maslani.

Pupuk Indonesia's support in this roadmap includes integrating beneficiary data from the Ministry of Agriculture and distribution of subsidized fertilizers with Himbara as the Farmer's Card operator. "So we are ready to carry out integration with the Ministry of Agriculture, with Himbara, let's build the existing system together to increase accountability and convenience for kiosks and farmers in terms of subsidized fertilizer redemption," added Maslani.

In addition, Maslani revealed that Pupuk Indonesia's management would also immediately follow up on the Ombudsman's recommendations, in particular providing guidance to distributors and kiosks so they could minimize mistakes in implementing the subsidized fertilizer policy. The Ombudsman gave 30 working days to the parties, including Pupuk Indonesia, to follow up on corrective recommendations and report any progress.

It can be seen, Secretary of the Directorate General of Agricultural Infrastructure and Facilities (PSP) of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) Hermanto revealed that a roadmap for the management of subsidized fertilizers is needed. This is because the issue of subsidized fertilizer is a recurring problem from year to year.

"So we need to make a joint road map, how to improve, perfect our subsidized fertilizer management. If we don't fix this, from the findings we can't see a significant impact. Because there are many systems that we haven't fixed, so the impact we expect is still not optimal. With the validity of the data, we still need to improve it, if we don't fix it, the target will not be right on target. I think we need to have a road map together and we build it together with a strong commitment, and we will improve it in the future," said Hermanto.

The LAHP Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia found that the eRDKK data was inaccurate such as non-farmers registered in the eRDKK, farmers were double registered in the eRDKK data, eRDKK data was not up to date, small farmers were not registered in the eRDKK data, farmer NIK data in the eRDKK did not match the dukcapil data, and homogeneous land area data on eRDKK data. Apart from that, the Ombudsman also found obstacles or problems for agricultural extension workers in data collection. This is caused by the limited number of agricultural extension human resources, the low competence of agricultural extension agents in data collection, and the small allocation of agricultural extension budgets.

In the LAHP also the Ombudsman found problems with the redemption of subsidized fertilizers, such as the unprepared implementation of Farmer's Cards in the simultaneous redemption of subsidized fertilizers and the redemption of subsidized fertilizers not according to procedures.

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