Ministry of SOEs Appreciates Pupuk Indonesia's Daycare Facility

Jakarta, May 9, 2024 – The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) through the Special Staff V to the Minister of SOEs, Tsamara Amany Alatas, has expressed appreciation for the daycare facility at PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero). This facility aligns with the Employee Well-being Policy (EWP) launched by the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir. Tsamara believes that this facility can help female employees at Pupuk Indonesia to focus more on their careers.
"As directed by the Minister, hopefully more SOEs, especially those with many female employees, will soon have daycare facilities, so women don't have to choose between pursuing their careers or taking care of their children," she said during her visit to the Pupuk Indonesia office in Jakarta on Wednesday (5/8/2024).
Tsamara noted that Pupuk Indonesia's daycare is child-friendly, particularly in terms of cleanliness and safety. Thus, Pupuk Indonesia employees who have families and children can feel safe leaving their children there.
"The children are all happy; there is an educational curriculum and it is monitored by members of PIKA (Association of Employee Wives) Pupuk Indonesia who are also doctors, ensuring hygiene and safety are maintained," she emphasized.
At the beginning of 2024, Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir instructed the implementation of EWP across all SOE environments. This directive was followed up by Pupuk Indonesia by launching the Pupuk Indonesia Daycare on March 6, 2024, together with PIKA Pupuk Indonesia.
During the visit, Pupuk Indonesia's Director of Human Resources, Tina T Kemala Intan, who accompanied the Special Staff, stated that the daycare facility is expected to help female employees at Pupuk Indonesia feel more at ease at work, knowing their children are nearby and receiving adequate services and facilities.
"It is hoped that this facility can be used optimally by employees to ensure that their physical, mental, and social well-being needs are met. We hope this will positively correlate with the growth of Pupuk Indonesia's performance," she said.
Tina added that the daycare facility represents Pupuk Indonesia's commitment to supporting the integration of the company's needs and desires to achieve work-life harmony.
"In the future, Pupuk Indonesia will continue to make breakthroughs to ensure that the EWP policy is well implemented at Pupuk Indonesia, thereby driving improvements and increasing benefits and added value for Pupuk Indonesia and SOEs," she concluded.