Pupuk Indonesia Socializes Subsidized Fertilizer Allocation Increase to Farmers in South Sumatra

  • Posted by User01
  • 7 May2024
  • 16:44WIB

Palembang, May 6, 2024 - PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) held a socialization event regarding the increase in subsidized fertilizer allocation to farmers, kiosk owners, distributors, and agricultural agencies in South Sumatra (Sumsel). The government has set the subsidized fertilizer allocation at 9.55 million tons, doubling from the previous 4.7 million tons.

The increase in subsidized fertilizer allocation is stipulated in Minister of Agriculture Decree (Kepmentan) Number 249 of 2024 and Minister of Agriculture Regulation (Permentan) Number 01 of 2024 regarding Amendments to Permentan Number 10 of 2022. This socialization is a collaboration between Pupuk Indonesia, the Ministry of Agriculture, the South Sumatra Agricultural Agency, the Ombudsman, and the Corruption Prevention Satgassus of the Indonesian National Police. In this activity, Pupuk Indonesia was represented by the President Director of PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang, Daconi Khotob.

Daconi explained that the Pupuk Indonesia Group supports the smooth production and distribution process of subsidized fertilizers, ensuring they reach the registered farmers accurately and are easy to redeem. "The government has decided to increase the subsidized fertilizer quota allocation for the fiscal year 2024 from 4.7 million tons to 9.55 million tons. As a state-owned enterprise mandated to support national food security, Pupuk Indonesia is ready to meet the increased allocation of subsidized fertilizers and oversee the distribution and redemption processes accurately until the subsidized fertilizers reach the hands of farmers," said Daconi.

Based on Minister of Agriculture Decree Number 249 of 2024, the government has set the subsidized fertilizer allocation at 9.55 million tons. The allocation is intended for four types, namely Urea, NPK, Special Formula NPK, and the newest addition, Organic fertilizer. The increase in allocation for these four types of fertilizers is set at 4,634,626 tons for Urea, 4,278,504 tons for NPK, 136,870 tons for Special Formula NPK, and 500,000 tons for Organic fertilizer.

In line with the policy set by Minister of Agriculture Regulation Number 01 of 2024 and Minister of Agriculture Decree Number 249 of 2024, Pupuk Indonesia has prepared a stock of subsidized fertilizers amounting to 1.4 million tons or reaching 224 percent as of May 3, 2024. Meanwhile, the stock of subsidized fertilizers for the South Sumatra region is recorded at 12,908 tons available in warehouse line III. The breakdown is 5,830 tons of Urea and 6,379 tons of NPK.

Regarding distribution, until May 3, 2024, Pupuk Indonesia successfully distributed 54,655 tons of subsidized fertilizers, consisting of 27,874 tons of Urea and 26,782 tons of NPK Phonska. Nationally, Pupuk Indonesia has also successfully distributed 1.77 million tons of subsidized fertilizers, equivalent to 18.6 percent of the total subsidized fertilizer allocation of 9.55 million tons.

Meanwhile, the additional allocation of subsidized fertilizers can be utilized by registered farmers or farmers who meet the criteria according to Minister of Agriculture Regulation Number 01 of 2024, which are members of Farmer Groups and registered in the electronic definitive group need plan (e-RDKK). These subsidized fertilizers are intended for farmers engaged in the food crop subsector such as rice, corn, and soybeans, as well as the horticulture subsector such as chili, shallots, and garlic, and the plantation subsector such as community sugarcane, cocoa, and coffee.

From these types of farming activities, it is determined that the criteria for cultivated land area are a maximum of 2 hectares, including farmers who are members of Village Forest Community Institutions (LMDH), following the provisions of the laws and regulations. Under this new regulation, the Electronic Definitive Group Need Plan (e-RDKK) can be evaluated every four months in the current year. In other words, farmers who have not received an allocation can input during the registration process in the evaluation process of the current year.

Not stopping there, this activity also serves as a platform to inform farmers receiving subsidized fertilizers that the additional allocation can be easily redeemed using their Identity Cards (KTP) at official kiosks. The redemption of fertilizers using KTPs can be done because all official kiosks are now equipped with the i-Pubers (Subsidized Fertilizer Integration) application. Through the i-Pubers application, kiosk owners can verify data by scanning the farmers' original ID cards, enabling subsidized fertilizers to be easily obtained by eligible farmers.

"We hope that all participants, especially the heads of farmer groups attending this subsidized fertilizer policy socialization activity, can provide education about the additional allocation of subsidized fertilizer for the fiscal year 2024. In addition, we also hope that farmers can easily redeem subsidized fertilizers using their KTPs. Kiosk officers will promptly assist and supervise the fertilizer redemption process to ensure that subsidized fertilizers are utilized by eligible farmers in accordance with the regulations," concluded Daconi.

It is noted that the subsidized fertilizer policy socialization event regarding the additional allocation held at Harper Palembang, South Sumatra, was attended by around 200 participants from the Heads of Agricultural Agencies at the District/City level in South Sumatra Province, District Verification Teams in South Sumatra Province, Distributors, kiosk/retail store owners, and farmer groups in South Sumatra Province.

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