Pupuk Indonesia's 1445H Ramadan Safari, Sharing with the Community around the Company

  • Posted by User01
  • 23 October2024
  • 10:31WIB

Jakarta, April 1, 2024 - President Director of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), Rahmad Pribadi, held a 1445H Ramadan Safari to its subsidiary locations in five regions across Indonesia. This Ramadan Safari is a moment for the Pupuk Indonesia Group to contribute to the surrounding community through various aid distributions, while also fostering solidarity among members of the Pupuk Indonesia Group.

Rahmad Pribadi, President Director of Pupuk Indonesia, stated that Pupuk Indonesia organized a nationwide Ramadan Safari. In addition to being held at Pupuk Indonesia itself, this year's Ramadan Safari also visited five subsidiaries: PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek, PT Petrokimia Gresik, PT Pusri Palembang, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur, and PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda, held during the first and second ten days of Ramadan.

"Pupuk Indonesia reaffirms its commitment to continuously contribute to sustainable agricultural self-reliance. Of course, this commitment is inseparable from the support of the surrounding community. This Ramadan Safari by the Pupuk Indonesia Group is a form of gratitude from Pupuk Indonesia for the support given to the community around the company," Rahmad said.

Furthermore, Rahmad stated that this moment also serves as a means to foster solidarity among employees across all subsidiaries, as Pupuk Indonesia's vision for the future is to become a globally integrated fertilizer and petrochemical industry.

The Ramadan Safari program includes various social activities. At Pupuk Kujang, the Safari was enlivened with a charity market and aid distribution for the elderly, the destitute, and orphans. Additionally, assistance was provided to the Nahrul Hayat Tahfiz School, where the aid for this school was a collection of donations from all Pupuk Kujang employees coordinated by the Pupuk Kujang Workers' Union.

Similar activities were carried out at Petrokimia Gresik, sharing Ramadan blessings by providing assistance to 1,000 Quranic School teachers, imams, orphans, MSME players around the company, and various other assistance. Additionally, a cheap staple goods market was held with a total of 12,600 vouchers distributed to the community around the company.

In Pusri Palembang, the Ramadan Safari also included assistance for the development of 54 mosques and 27 prayer rooms. Furthermore, Pusri also provided staple food packages for 65 orphanages and 460 destitute children, as well as distributing 27,000 staple food packages consisting of premium rice, granulated sugar, vegetable oil, and several other aids.

Meanwhile, the Ramadan Safari in Pupuk Kalimantan Timur in Bontang included the relocation assistance for four households affected by floods, along with the renovation of two houses in the Guntung and Loktuan neighborhoods of North Bontang.

For the Ramadan Safari in Pupuk Iskandar Muda in Aceh, the implementation was almost similar to the previous ones, involving aid distribution for orphans, rice assistance for the destitute, mosque assistance, and a charity market. Additionally, the handover of 289 units of Simple Healthy Homes (Rumah Sehat Sederhana - RSS) for the destitute.

Furthermore, Rahmad revealed that in addition to the nationwide Ramadan Safari, a Ramadan Safari was also held at Pupuk Indonesia under the theme "Ramadan Festivities for Sharing Pupuk Indonesia (SERAMBI)". This Ramadan Safari also commemorates the 12th Anniversary of Pupuk Indonesia. In this Ramadan Safari, Rahmad distributed 1,000 staple food packages for the community around the company, as well as employees in need such as cleaning service, security, and other non-organic workers.

Activities at Pupuk Indonesia were also filled by the Association of Employees' Wives of Pupuk Indonesia (PIKA-PI) Group, providing aid to social shelters; a Ramadan Bazaar featuring traditional textiles or fabrics and MSME food products under the Pupuk Indonesia Group; and an Eid Clothing Fashion Show and a Pashmina and Hijab Creation Workshop involving PIKA subsidiaries.

"Pupuk Indonesia Group's performance is improving. It becomes a major support for food security through the provision of subsidized fertilizer, the allocation of which has been increased this year. Through the good performance of its subsidiaries, Pupuk Indonesia's performance also improves. Hopefully, through this solidarity, the relationship between the company and the community will bring progress and blessings," Rahmad concluded.

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