Pupuk Indonesia Wins KIP Award as INFORMATIVE SOE in 2022

  • Posted by User01
  • 19 December2022
  • 08:59WIB

JAKARTA (14/12) - PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) won the 2022 Public Information Commission Award (KIP) as a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) in the informative category with a score of 91.71. This award was given by the Commissioner of the Central Information Commission, Samrotunnajah Ismail to Pupuk Indonesia SVP Corporate Communications, Wijaya Laksana at the Atria Hotel Gading Serpong, Banten.

The award for the Informative category that Pupuk Indonesia received has increased from the previous year which was classified as To Be Informative.

"Thank you for the award given to Pupuk Indonesia, we will use this award as a momentum to increase corporate information disclosure in the future. This disclosure of information indicates that Pupuk Indonesia prioritizes the principle of transparency," said Wijaya.

Wijaya recounted the success of Pupuk Indonesia in winning the title as an informative SOE through its innovations, such as making the Information Management and Documentation Officer (PPID) application. This application contains all information about the company and can be accessed by the public. Then, the Company also maintains good relations with the mass media, and utilizes communication channels such as social media, websites to disseminate information about Pupuk Indonesia.

The Public Information Commission stated that there had been an increase in the number of public bodies (BP) receiving awards in the implementation of monitoring and evaluation (monev) in 2022. The Person in Charge (PJ) for Monev KI Center for Handoko Agung Saputro said that 122 BP had succeeded in becoming Informative from seven BP categories. "The achievement of one hundred and twenty-two Informative BPs has exceeded the target of the national medium-term development plan from Bappenas, which is ninety-eight Informative BPs," he said.

According to him, in 2021 there will be 84 Informative BPs, then Bappenas RI is targeting 98 Informative BPs in 2022, but the target is too far to 122 Informative BPs. He hopes that the seven BP categories, namely Ministries, LN-LPNK (State Institutions-Non-Ministry Government Institutions), LNS (Non-Structural Institutions), Pemprov (Provincial Government), BUMN, PTN (State Universities), and Political Parties (Political Parties) can continue to improve the management and service of Public Information at each BP so that there will be more and more Informative BPs.

Because based on the 2022 Monev assessment there are still Public Bodies that do not achieve the title of informative, namely 29 Public Bodies Less Informative, 24 Public Bodies 'Quite Informative', and 39 Public Bodies 'Towards Informative'.

Handoko, who is also the Head of the Central KI Institutional Sector, noted on the results of the 2022 Monev, that although Public Bodies that have achieved an informative title have increased, there are still fundamental weaknesses related to the availability of documents or information that are categorized as available at any time.

Therefore, he added, the leaders of Public Agencies no longer merely pursued an informative title but had to improve their information service mechanisms, including reviewing information or documents that should be categorized as open but were declared excluded.

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