760.902 Tons of Subsidized Fertilizers Ready To Be Distributed To Support The Planting Season
JAKARTA – Entering the October-March planting season for 2022-2023, PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero)'s subsidized fertilizer stock for the Urea and NPK types is currently recorded at 760,902 tons as of November 3, 2022. This subsidized fertilizer is ready to be distributed to farmers who registered in farmer groups and electronic Group Needs Definitive Plans (e-RDKK).
Pupuk Indonesia SVP Corporate Communications Wijaya Laksana, said the availability of subsidized fertilizer stock complies with the minimum stock requirements stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) 15 of 2013 concerning Procurement and Distribution of Subsidized Fertilizers for the Agricultural Sector. This regulation, along with Provincial and District Agriculture Service Decrees, forms the basis for Pupuk Indonesia's official distributors and kiosks to distribute subsidized fertilizer to farmers.
"The total stock of subsidized fertilizer of 760,902 tons is already available in our warehouses and ready to be distributed to all authorized distributors and kiosks to serve registered farmers according to government regulations," said Wijaya.
Wijaya further revealed that the breakdown of subsidized fertilizer stocks consisted of 445,691 tons of Urea fertilizer and 315,211 tons of NPK fertilizer. Meanwhile, from the distribution side, Pupuk Indonesia was recorded to have distributed 6.217 million tons as of October 31, 2022 or had reached 77.3 percent of the allocation set by the Ministry of Agriculture.
Of these figures, the realization of the distribution of Urea fertilizer was recorded at 3.232 million tons, NPK fertilizer was 2.367 million tons, SP-36 fertilizer was 163,467 tons, ZA fertilizer was 220,439 tons, and organic fertilizer was 233,889 tons.
According to the Minister of Agriculture Number 10 of 2022, subsidized fertilizers are currently focused on two types of fertilizers, namely Urea and NPK. These two types of subsidized fertilizer are intended for nine strategic agricultural commodities that have an impact on inflation. The nine commodities are rice, corn, soybeans, chilies, shallots, garlic, sugar cane, cocoa and coffee.
Farmers who are entitled to subsidized fertilizers include being members of a farmer group, registered with the SIMLUHTAN (Agricultural Extension Management Information System), cultivating a maximum of two hectares of land, and using a Farmer's Card (for certain areas).
Wijaya also revealed that Pupuk Indonesia had confirmed to its distributor network and official kiosks, to distribute subsidized fertilizers based on the figures in the local Agriculture Service Decree.
It can be seen, based on Permendag Number 15 of 2013, Pupuk Indonesia is required to guarantee the availability of subsidized fertilizer stocks in Line III or district level warehouses to meet needs for the next two weeks and if at the peak of the planting season in November and January guarantee subsidized fertilizer stocks for three weeks forward.