To Support Transformation, Pupuk Indonesia Strengthen Its Culture Of Innovation

  • Posted by User01
  • 16 November2022
  • 22:54WIB

JAKARTA – PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) continues to strengthen the culture of innovation at the business group level. One of these commitments is realized through the 2022 Pupuk Indonesia Quality Improvement (PIQI) innovation convention. Through this activity, Pupuk Indonesia proves that it will continue to improve process effectiveness, cost efficiency, and performance in order to increase the company's competitiveness.
Director of Business Transformation of Pupuk Indonesia, Panji Winanteya Ruky, said that this activity was in line with the direction of the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, who asked Pupuk Indonesia to continue to innovate and transform to become a world-class company.

“PIQI 2022 with the theme Live long and Prosper, is a continuous innovation competition and has been running in its third year. PIQI is a means to share knowledge or knowledge about innovations that provide added value for companies within the Pupuk Indonesia Group. " said Panji.

In addition to building a culture of innovation, Panji further said that the purpose of the 2022 PIQI innovation convention is also to take advantage of innovation work in business development, both products and processes and to be aligned with the Company's Masterplan/Long-Term Plan.

Another objective of this activity is to increase the synergy and collaboration of companies within the Pupuk Indonesia Group, particularly in building a culture of innovation. Through this event, the company also tries to equalize the perception that innovation must focus and support the company's efforts to increase business profitability. "In addition, of course, it is also a means for management to appreciate the innovations created by employees," explained Panji.

Furthermore, Panji said that the 2022 PIQI innovation competition also has benefits for partners and customers, including providing alternative solutions to various problems in the agriculture, plantation, and so on. In addition, it also offers a wide selection of products, to improve service quality and customer or even stakeholder satisfaction.

Meanwhile, President Director of Pupuk Indonesia Bakir Pasaman supports the innovation convention of the Pupuk Indonesia Group, namely PIQI 2022. According to him, innovation is a strategic pillar that supports the company's business going forward. In fact, it is part of the moral values ​​set by the Ministry of SOEs to be realized by all SOEs, especially in adaptive values.

According to Bakir, the 2022 PIQI innovation convention activity will produce innovative works from individuals, work units, and even collaborations between companies within the Pupuk Indonesia Group. “This activity is very much in line with the transformation program that we are running and we are promoting by PI and its subsidiaries. Because innovation answers challenges and makes it an opportunity for the company to grow and be sustainable,” said Bakir.

Bakir hopes that the 2022 PIQI innovation convention will produce tangible works that have a positive impact on the company. In fact, he hopes that this work can be implemented in all members of the holding of the Pupuk Indonesia Group. "So it can be replicated massively across all holding members, for example company A has succeeded in providing value, of course this can be implemented in company B so that efficiency and effectiveness can be felt even greater," he said.

In the PIQI 2022 event, Pupuk Indonesia divides innovation into three Innovation Categories. The three categories of innovation are Pupuk Indonesia Agile, namely Innovations that encourage Business Transformation, Customer Centric and/or EBITDA Uplift so that they have a value-added Impact on the Company, are breakthrough, and have the potential to be processed into Patents/IPRs. Second, Pupuk Indonesia Care, which is an innovation that provides intangible value for customers and stakeholders, is qualitative in nature including the fields of culture, environmental management, K3, CSR, and so on. Third, is Pupuk Indonesia Competent, namely innovation at the operational level that results in improving the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of business processes.

The PIQI 2022 innovation convention activity will also be supported by six national and international standard judges. It also involves eleven observers who come from representatives of the PI Group Entity as a form of coaching and knowledge transfer in the hope that they can later become innovation judges from within the company.

In the 2021 PIQI innovation convention, the Pupuk Indonesia group succeeded in identifying and creating innovations that have the potential to provide added value of Rp 723 billion for companies that come from various innovations in various fields, ranging from production, marketing, distribution, and so on. Innovations are continuously encouraged to be created and in 2022, the PIQI Innovation Convention will be held on 5-8 September 2022 with PT Pupuk Kujang as the host.

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