Innovations by Pupuk Indonesia Employees Record Revenue Contribution and Savings of Rp 1.3 Trillion

  • Posted by User01
  • 18 June2024
  • 09:29WIB

Jakarta, June 13, 2024 - Innovations by employees of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) have successfully contributed to revenue and savings amounting to Rp 1.3 trillion. This achievement comes from 169 innovations participating in the "Pupuk Indonesia Innovation Award (PIIA) Summit 2024". This was conveyed by the President Director of Pupuk Indonesia, Rahmad Pribadi, during the peak appreciation event of the PIIA Summit 2024, held in a hybrid format from Jakarta on Thursday (June 13, 2024).

Rahmad Pribadi revealed that the Rp 1.3 trillion contribution from these innovations consists of Rp 1.2 trillion from efficiency improvements or savings and Rp 0.1 trillion from increased revenue.

“Alhamdulillah, in 2024, based on the 2023 report, Pupuk Indonesia ranks as the seventh-largest fertilizer company in the world. This achievement is undoubtedly due to innovations that have a direct impact on profitability,” said Rahmad Pribadi.

Rahmad added that the hundreds of innovations presented at PIIA 2024 were produced by 700 employees or innovators, consisting of organic employees, non-organic employees, and interns. This inclusiveness demonstrates that innovation has become a habit within Pupuk Indonesia.

“Innovation is not always a big bang, but can also involve trial and error, which of course requires persistence. Without persistence, these innovations could never be implemented and would never have a direct impact on financial reports. Alhamdulillah, Pupuk Indonesia has shown both; we have done big bang innovations like centralization. We also continue to carry out instrumental innovations. The most impressive is our persistence, as year after year I see the number of participants and innovations always increasing,” Rahmad Pribadi emphasized.

To maintain a culture of innovation, Pupuk Indonesia collaborates with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Industrial Liaison Program (MIT-ILP). This collaboration aims to enhance the company's contribution to food security and strengthen its position as a major player in the global fertilizer industry.

Global food security currently faces challenges from climate change, land scarcity, and stagnation in agricultural productivity. Therefore, Pupuk Indonesia hopes that the collaboration with MIT-ILP can enhance the company's role in food security and national economic growth through innovation and business transformation.

PIIA is a platform for innovation, knowledge sharing, and appreciation for Pupuk Indonesia employees who have contributed through their innovations. This convention involves all directorates within Pupuk Indonesia, focusing on three key aspects.

The first aspect is growth, where the innovation must demonstrate value creation. The second aspect is digital, indicating the use of digital technology in the innovation. The final aspect is sustainability, showing the long-term benefits of the innovation for future generations.

The innovation that won the Grand Champion title in this convention was the Rekan-iPubers Innovation Team. This innovation improved the governance of subsidized fertilizer distribution through the development and implementation of an integrated digital application across Pupuk Indonesia's 27,000 kiosks nationwide. This digital-based innovation, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan), has made it easier for registered farmers to redeem subsidized fertilizers.

“The most important aspect of this event is not just winning but collaboration. In business, we have CQ (Collaboration Quotient), the ability to sit down and discuss things with people who think differently. This is the most appropriate event for that,” he emphasized.

Finally, Rahmad hopes that the persistence in Pupuk Indonesia's innovation ecosystem can be maintained, supporting the company as a pillar of national food security and sustainable economic growth.

“Without innovation, believe me, no company can survive. Don’t even talk about growth; survival is impossible without innovation. Only through innovation can Pupuk Indonesia achieve a better future,” he concluded.

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