Pupuk Indonesia Ready to Support Shallot Productivity in Urban Farming Areas of West Java

  • Posted by User01
  • 18 June2024
  • 09:28WIB

Bekasi, June 11, 2024 – PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) is ready to support the productivity of shallots in urban farming areas located in the Korem 051/WKT Kodam Jaya region, Wanajaya Village, Cibitung, Bekasi, West Java. This support aligns with the Company's vision as a pioneer in achieving national food security.

Tri Wahyudi Saleh, Director of Marketing at Pupuk Indonesia, stated that shallots are an important commodity due to their significant contribution to the national inflation rate. Therefore, Pupuk Indonesia is ready to support the increase in shallot productivity in urban farming areas.

"As a state-owned enterprise, Pupuk Indonesia strongly supports the productivity of shallots in urban farming areas. This increase in productivity can have a positive impact on farmers and communities, demonstrating our commitment to achieving national food security," said Tri Wahyudi Saleh.

Pupuk Indonesia Group, represented by Tri Wahyudi Saleh (Director of Marketing at Pupuk Indonesia), Dwi Satriyo Annurogo (President Director of PT Petrokimia Gresik), and Qomaruzzaman (Director of Finance & General Affairs at PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur), had the opportunity to attend the shallot harvest event in the urban farming area. The event was attended by the Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Andi Amran Sulaiman and the Chief of Staff of the Army (KASAD), General TNI Maruli Simanjuntak.

Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman stated that the shallot harvest in the 13-hectare urban farming area is a synergy between the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) and the Indonesian Army (TNI AD) to strengthen food supply and control inflation amidst the threat of climate change impacts.

"Thank you to Mr. KASAD, Pangdam Jaya, the Police, and Forkopimda for attending. This remarkable initiative is ongoing across Indonesia. We know Mr. KASAD is an expert in irrigation and food and is now expanding into shallot commodities. We are very pleased, with a cultivation budget of Rp 2.5 billion, generating a gross income of Rp 6 billion and a net income of Rp 1 to 2 billion. We should be proud of the TNI," said Mentan Amran.

Amran highlighted that the TNI's efforts to advance agriculture are a crucial synergy in anticipating the threat of a global food crisis, especially for Indonesia. He noted that maintaining inflation rates and ensuring the availability of strategic domestic food supplies are thanks to the cooperation of all parties, particularly the support of the TNI and Polri. Therefore, building and strengthening food supplies must be done collaboratively, especially by developing idle land and encouraging the younger generation to engage in the agricultural sector productively and providing support for their endeavors.

"We must now anticipate and mitigate the impact of El Nino, which is currently affecting the agricultural sector. I am very impressed by the briefing from Pak Danrem and Pak KASAD, who can identify which commodities cause inflation, namely rice, shallots, and chili. Pak KASAD immediately took action to address shallots and chili. This is the most appropriate step, and as a result, inflation is well-managed now," he said.

At the same event, KASAD General TNI Maruli Simanjuntak expressed his gratitude for the support from the Ministry of Agriculture, especially the significant attention from Minister Amran Sulaiman, which enabled the transformation of idle land into urban farming areas, particularly for shallot cultivation. The TNI continues to support the government's success in developing large-scale rice fields and optimizing land so that planting can occur two to three times a year instead of just once.

"With Minister Amran Sulaiman's support, we can expedite these efforts. So, thank you, Minister. The Minister supports us, the TNI, in implementing irrigation and land optimization, including opening new land. In urban areas, building urban farming areas to strengthen food supply must be done effectively. It turns out that under bridges and along toll roads, there are still thousands of meters, even hectares, of idle land. If this land is given to us, the TNI will ensure it provides benefits to the community and increases the food supply," said Maruli.

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