Rekind Bulletin Wins 2024 SPS Awards

  • Posted by Rekayasa Industri
  • 8 May2024
  • 11:36WIB

Buletin internal PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) kembali disematkan penghargaan bergengsi nasional. Kali ini penghargaan tersebut datang dari ajang Serikat Perusahaan Pers (SPS) Awards 2024. Melalui kegiatan yang digelar di Ballroom Hotel Ciputra Jakarta Barat, Selasa (30/4) itu, Buletin Rekind Volume XIV/Desember 2023, meraih penghargaan Bronze Winner untuk Kategori The Best of Corporate’s E- Magazine.

Penghargaan diberikan langsung oleh Pung Purwanto, Pengurus SPS Pusat, kepada Dina T. Harianja VP Corporate Communication & Secretariat Rekind. “Di tahun 2024, ini merupakan penghargaan kedua bagi Buletin internal Rekind. Saya mewakili perusahaan sangat bangga dengan capaian ini,” ujar Edy Sutrisman, SVP Corporate Secretary & Legal Rekind ditemui di tempat terpisah.

Diakuinya, kiprah media internal Rekind juga punya peran besar, tidak hanya sekedar menjadi jembatan informasi antara manajemen dan karyawan, tapi secara tidak langsung dengan penyematan penghargaan ini, Buletin internal Rekind mulai dikenal secara eksternal dan diyakini punya peran besar dalam meningkatkan citra perusahaan, terutama di kalangan stakeholder.

“Melihat peran yang cukup besar, ke depan kami akan terus mengadakan perbaikan secara konsisten agar mampu memberi karya yang lebih baik lagi. Kami meyakini, buletin juga memiliki peran yang besar, terutama dalam mengawal dan mendukung eksistensi transformasi bisnis yang saat ini tengah dikembangkan Rekind,” sergah Dina T. Harianja, VP Corporate Communication & Secretariat. 

Semoga, lanjut Dina, melalui peran buletin dan karya-karya lainnya bisa meningkatkan dorongan semangat bagi perusahaan untuk terus melahirkan dampak positif dalam mendukung kekokohan dunia industri dan ketahanan energi di tanah air.

Sebelumnya, pada awal Maret 2024, Buletin Rekind juga disematkan penghargaan Silver Winner dari para insan praktisi Public Relation (PR) melalui ajang Public Relation Award (PRIA).

Di tahun 2023, buletin Rekind juga dianugerahi  The Best Inhouse Magazine - Owned Media - Kategori State Owned Subsidiary – Bronze Winner – SPS Awards. Termasuk The Best Inhouse Magazine - Owned Media - Kategori State Owned Subsidiary – Silver Winner, juga melalui ajang SPS Awards di tahun 2022. Kemudian di tahun 2021 juga memperoleh penghargaan - Golden Winner sebagai Owned Media - Anak Usaha BUMN untuk Sub kategori E-Magazine – PRIA Awards 2021.


The internal bulletin of PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) has once again received a prestigious national award. This time the award came from the Press Company Association (SPS) Awards 2024. Through activities held at the Ballroom of the Ciputra Hotel, West Jakarta, Tuesday (30/4), the Rekind Bulletin Volume XIV/December 2023 won the Bronze Winner award for the Category Best of Corporate's E-Magazine.


The award was given directly by Pung Purwanto, Central SPS Management, to Dina T. Harianja VP of Corporate Communication & Rekind Secretariat. “In 2024, this will be the second award for Rekind's internal bulletin. "I represent the company and am very proud of this achievement," said Edy Sutrisman, SVP Corporate Secretary & Legal, Rekind, when met in a separate location.


He admitted that Rekind's internal media also plays a big role, not only as a bridge of information between management and employees but indirectly by giving this award, Rekind's internal bulletin is starting to be known externally and is believed to have a big role in improving the company's image, especially in among stakeholders.


"Seeing that the role is quite large, in the future we will continue to make improvements consistently so that we can provide even better work. "We believe that bulletins also have a big role, especially in guarding and supporting the existence of the business transformation that Rekind is currently developing," said Dina T. Harianja, VP of Corporate Communication & Secretariat.


Hopefully, continued Dina, through the role of bulletins and other works, we can increase enthusiasm for companies to continue to have a positive impact in supporting the strength of the industrial world and energy security in the country.


Previously, in early March 2024, the Rekind Bulletin was also awarded the Silver Winner award from Public Relations (PR) practitioners through the Public Relations Award (PRIA) event.


In 2023, the Rekind newsletter was also awarded The Best Inhouse Magazine - Owned Media - State Owned Subsidiary Category – Bronze Winner – SPS Awards. Including The Best Inhouse Magazine - Owned Media - State Owned Subsidiary Category – Silver Winner, also through the SPS Awards event in 2022. Then in 2021 he also received the award - Golden Winner as Owned Media - BUMN Subsidiary for the E-Magazine Sub category – PRIA Awards 2021.


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