The Inaugural of Makmur Rice Planting: Pupuk Indonesia Supports Farmer Development and Agricultural Productivity Improvement in Kebumen

  • Posted by User01
  • 7 January2024
  • 09:21WIB

On January 4, 2024, PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) carried out the inaugural planting of rice on a 2.13-hectare plot of land in Ambalkebrek Village, Ambal Subdistrict, Kebumen Regency, Central Java. This activity is part of the Makmur Program, a collaboration with Bank Mandiri through funding from the LAZNAS Mandiri Amal Insani Foundation.

Mr. M. Burmansyah, the Project Manager of Agrosolution at PT Pupuk Indonesia, stated that 10 farmers from Ambalkebrek Village are participating in the Makmur Program. These farmers will benefit from the agricultural ecosystem provided by the Makmur Program, including access to non-subsidized fertilizers, guidance, and easy access to funding.

Furthermore, Pupuk Indonesia, through its subsidiary Petrokimia Gresik, has initiated cultivation support, ranging from soil testing through the Mobile Soil Testing service, agronomic guidance through Agroman and Taruna Makmur, to the provision of pesticides through the subsidiary Petrosida for pest and disease control, aiming to optimize rice harvests. It is hoped that through the Makmur Program, the rice cultivation area in Kebumen will expand, leading to increased farmer income, aligning with the government's targets for regional economic growth and prosperity.

The Makmur Program represents Pupuk Indonesia's effort to connect farmers with an agricultural ecosystem, facilitating their access to fertilizers and funding. The agricultural ecosystem encompasses project leaders, insurance, financial institutions, agricultural technology, agro inputs, local governments (pemda), and off-takers.

Isdiana Gurning from Bank Mandiri mentioned that today's inaugural planting aligns with the Farmer Entrepreneurship Program of Bank Mandiri. This program directly assists farmers in marketing their harvest. It provides guidance to farmers, and those under guidance are protected from crop failure risks due to force majeure and pest attacks through commercial premiums from Asuransi Jasindo.

Isdiana emphasized that the Makmur Program aligns with the goals of Bank Mandiri's Farmer Entrepreneurship Program to actively support coaching and business assistance, ultimately improving the well-being of farmers. During this activity, PT Mitra Desa Kebumen has been agreed upon as the off-taker for the Integrated Rice Processing Center (SPBT).

In this initiative, Laznas Mandiri Amal Insani serves as the funding provider for farmers. Currently, farmer guidance is provided through the Empowered Farmer program (Berkah and Jaya), where Laznas Mandiri Amal Insani assists farmers in managing approximately 1 hectare of land that meets the requirements.

Sus Agus Sutirto, Head of Food Crops and Horticulture at the Agriculture and Food Office of Kebumen Regency, commended the inaugural rice planting activity under the Makmur Program. He expressed hope that this program would enhance rice production and productivity in Kebumen Regency in general, and particularly in Ambal Subdistrict, supporting the efforts of both the central and regional governments in achieving national food security.

Burman from Pupuk Indonesia stated that as of November 2023, the Makmur Program nationally covered an area of 325,797 hectares, surpassing the target of 275,000 hectares by 118%, with 99,174 farmers (99% of the 100,000 target). Specifically for rice, the cultivated area was 87,983 hectares with 36,717 beneficiary farmers. The realized productivity increase for rice was 14%, rising from the initial 5.7 tons per hectare to 6.5 tons per hectare.

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