Improving Jakarta's Air Quality, Pupuk Indonesia Plants 5,324 Trees in Jabodetabek

  • Posted by User01
  • 6 November2023
  • 10:18WIB

JAKARTA – PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) together with its subsidiaries participated in the Gotong Royong Boyong Pohon (GRBP) program or the "Collective Tree Planting" program by providing 5,324 tree seedlings to Pupuk Indonesia Group personnel, the community around the office in the Kemanggisan area, Car Free Day (CFD) participants, and the people of Jakarta. The handover of tree seedlings was carried out symbolically by Pupuk Indonesia's SVP of Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL), Rika Susanty, on Tuesday, October 31 2023 in Pupuk Indonesia Office, Jakarta.

Rika said that this GRBP activity was an initiation from the Ministry of State Owned Enterprise which aims to address environmental issues, especially reducing air pollution in Jakarta. In this case, Pupuk Indonesia also supports the Government's efforts to achieve Net Zero Emissions.

The handover of 5,324 tree seeds consisting of several types, namely trembesi trees, tabebuya trees and fruit trees. A total of 986 tree seedlings were handed over to employees of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), and 1,074 tree seedlings were handed over to subsidiaries in Jabodetabek, namely PT Rekayasa Indusri (Rekind) with 958 seedlings, PT Pupuk Indonesia Niaga (PIN) with 82 seedlings, PT Pupuk Indonesia Logistik (Pilog) with 67 seeds, and PT Pupuk Indonesia Utilitas (PIU) with 69 seeds. Apart from that, PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) also invited residents of the surrounding area of the Company to participate in this program by handing over 500 seeds to the Kemanggisan Village, as well as 2,662 CFD participants and the people of DKI Jakarta.

"Pupuk Indonesia has grown together with communities throughout Indonesia in supporting food security, and as part of the community, we Pupuk Indonesia are committed to providing benefits and added value to the environment, one of which is planting trees in our surroundings," said Rika.

Through the PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) Compartment, the Company invites all Pupuk Indonesia Group personnel to actively participate in the Company's TJSL activities. On this occasion there were "Mang Oyon" and "Bu Gino" activities. "Mang Oyon" or Abreviated from Mari Gotong Royong Boyong Pohon (Let's Plant Trees Together) is a program to adopt tree seedlings in the neighborhood and "Bu Gino" or Buku Untuk Giripurno (Books for Giripurno) is a program for donating readable books to libraries to support the development and management of Village Economic Halls (Balkondes) in the Giripurno Village, Magelang, Central Java.

According to Rika, all Pupuk Indonesia Group personnel can be involved in 2 (two) Pupuk Indonesia Mang Oyon and Bu Gino's TJSL programs as participation in the Sustainable Development Goals/SDGs in the Environment and Education pillars.

Director of Human Resources of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), Tina T. Kemala Intan said that all Pupuk Indonesia Group personnel must be involved in the Company's TJSL activities to support the Company's Key Performance Indicators (KPI).

"This activity is a real action of the Company's TJSL activities, this has also been stipulated in the Pupuk Indonesia TJSL KPI target for 2023, that all Pupuk Indonesia Group employees are required to be actively involved in social activities, as well as direct superiors so that they can monitor employee participation within the scope of each Compartment or Work Unit," said Tina.


About Pupuk Indonesia

PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) is the largest Urea fertilizer producer in Asia and ranks among the top 10 globally, with a total annual factory production capacity of 13.95 million tons of fertilizer. In fulfilling its mission for national food security, PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) and its ten subsidiaries are the largest fertilizer producers in Asia, manufacturing a variety of fertilizers including Urea, NPK, ZA, Organic, and SP-36, distributed across the islands of Java, Sumatra, and Kalimantan. The company is supported by various facilities such as ports and related infrastructure, transportation ships, warehouses, fertilizer packaging units, and workshops that streamline the production and distribution of fertilizers. The operational activities of the Pupuk Indonesia Group encompass the fertilizer, petrochemical, and agrochemical industries, as well as steam and electricity production, transportation and distribution, trade, and EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction).

The ten subsidiary companies mentioned are as follows: PT Petrokimia Gresik (PKG), PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek (PKC), PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (PKT), PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM), PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (PSP), PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind), PT Pupuk Indonesia Niaga (PIN), PT Pupuk Indonesia Logistik (Pilog), PT Pupuk Indonesia Utilitas (PIU), and PT Pupuk Indonesia Pangan (PIP). For more detailed information about Pupuk Indonesia, please visit

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