Pupuk Indonesia Group Innovation Creates Potential Benefits Of Up To 2.5 trillion IDR

  • Posted by User01
  • 14 September2023
  • 17:53WIB

BONTANG - PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) together with the group were able to create potential benefits of up to IDR 2.5 trillion through various employee innovations carried out over the last year. This potential was conveyed at the holding level innovation convention, Pupuk Indonesia Quality Improvement (PIQI) 2023 in Bontang, East Kalimantan, Tuesday (12/9/2023).

President Director of Pupuk Indonesia, Rahmad Pribadi in the middle of the PIQI 2023 series said that, Pupuk Indonesia continues to increase its competitiveness to grow through innovation in various fields. Because only through innovation can Pupuk Indonesia continue to improve process effectiveness, cost efficiency and performance.

"But the expected company growth is not just adding capacity and improving existing ones. Growth is looking at future opportunities and challenges. This is where research is important combined with innovation," said Rahmad.

For this reason, he added, the innovation carried out by Pupuk Indonesia Group must be able to meet customer needs so that it can continue to grow. Be it needs that are spoken, implied, explicit or unseen needs, or hidden customer aspirations.

"A sustainable company is a company that continues to innovate and adapt. Pupuk Indonesia's innovation is a way to answer customer hidden aspirations," said Rahmad.

Apart from that, Pupuk Indonesia is currently focusing its innovation power to accelerate and create a new future through the downstreaming of environmentally friendly chemical and petrochemical industries to strengthen food security and the national economy. This spirit can be seen together in the innovations at PIQI 2023.

In his report, the Director of Pupuk Indonesia Business Transformation, Panji Winanteya Ruky, in his report revealed that more and more Pupuk Indonesia people are joining the innovation movement. This year there are 5,616 Pupuk Indonesia people who are members of 3,366 Innovation Teams.

"There has been an increase of 129 percent in both the number of innovations and participation. This shows that the innovation movement which has long been the blood and flesh of Pupuk Indonesia Group is getting stronger," he stressed.

Panji continued, thousands of Pupuk Indonesia people, through their innovation, succeeded in identifying potential company benefits of IDR 2.5 trillion. "If this innovation is scaled up or fully implemented in all business lines, it will be very fruitful. Our task now is to collaborate to implement the innovation," he said.

Meanwhile, PIQI 2023 itself was participated by 56 innovation teams from the Pupuk Indonesia Group. The number of PIQI participants continues to increase from year to year, where in 2021 only 33 teams participated and in 2022 there were 45 teams, and currently it is increasing again.

The increase in PIQI 2023 participation is proof that the people at Pupuk Indonesia Group realize that the company's future is not only about supporting national food security. But it also supports the environmentally friendly chemical and petrochemical industry at the world level.

For this reason, Panji said, Pupuk Indonesia is directing innovation activities to create a new future, namely becoming a global company with environmental insight. This is in line with the PIQI 2023 theme, namely "Accelerating Into Green Future".

PIQI 2023 activities are supported by national and international standard judges. There are two elements of assessment, namely quality and impact or benefits for the company. The winning team will get the opportunity to compete at innovation conventions at national and international levels.

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