Pupuk Indonesia Prepares 73,309 Tons of Subsidized Fertilizer for South Sulawesi Farmers

  • Posted by User01
  • 4 September2023
  • 13:46WIB

SULSEL - PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) has prepared a stock of 73,309 tons of subsidized fertilizer to meet the needs of farmers in South Sulawesi (Sulsel). This was stated by the President Director of Pupuk Indonesia, Rahmad Pribadi after inspecting three fertilizer warehouses at once, namely the distribution center (DC) II warehouse and the Makassar DSP packaging unit, and the Parepare line III warehouse, Friday (1/9/2023).

Subsidized fertilizer stocks were recorded at 73,309 tons available in all line III warehouses in the South Sulawesi region as of August 31, 2023. These stocks consisted of 45,490 tons of urea fertilizer and 27,819 tons of NPK fertilizer, which respectively corresponded to 331 percent and 320 percent of the minimum provisions stipulated determined by the Government.

"My visit to the subsidized fertilizer warehouse in the sales area of South Sulawesi is to ensure the readiness of Pupuk Indonesia to meet the needs of subsidized fertilizers for farmers. Currently, the stock in the warehouse is sufficient to meet the fertilizer needs of farmers for the next month and a half for both urea fertilizer and subsidized NPK," said Rahmad.

Meanwhile from a national perspective, Pupuk Indonesia has prepared a stock of 952,685 tons of subsidized fertilizer, consisting of 545,607 tons of urea and 407,258 tons of NPK. The total national subsidized fertilizer stock is equivalent to 387 percent of the provisions stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) Number 4 of 2023 concerning Procurement and Distribution of Subsidized Fertilizers for the Agricultural Sector.

In terms of distribution, Pupuk Indonesia has distributed 4.26 million tons of subsidized fertilizer. The details are as follows, 2.51 million tons of subsidized urea type fertilizer has been distributed and 1.75 million tons of subsidized NPK including subsidized cocoa NPK.

Subsidized fertilizer itself is distributed to farmers who have registered in the e-Allocation or meet the criteria set out in the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture (Permentan) Number 10 of 2022. As for the criteria for farmers who are entitled to redeem or receive subsidized fertilizer allocation, they must be members of a farmer group, registered in SIMLUHTAN (Agricultural Extension Management Information System), working on a maximum of two hectares of land.

In addition, this regulation also stipulates 9 strategic commodities that are entitled to receive fertilizer subsidies, namely rice, corn, soybeans, chilies, shallots, garlic, coffee, sugar cane, and cocoa.

Farmers can take advantage of Pupuk Indonesia's customer service if they find activities outside the provisions regarding subsidized fertilizer. Pupuk Indonesia customer service can be accessed free of charge or toll free at 0800 100 8001 or WA at 0811 9918 001, this service operates from Monday to Friday.

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