Pupuk Indonesia Provides Petro Ningrat for Tobacco Farmers

  • Posted by User01
  • 28 August2023
  • 10:10WIB

TEMANGGUNG (26/8) – As a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) engaged in the production of fertilizers and chemicals, PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) provides non-subsidized fertilizers that can be used by tobacco farmers. This Petro Ningrat NPK type fertilizer is produced by PT Petrokimia Gresik which is a subsidiary of the Indonesian Fertilizer Company.

The President Director of Pupuk Indonesia, Rahmad Pribadi stated that Petro Ningrat's NPK fertilizer was intended for plantation, horticultural and tuber crops, such as potato tobacco, chilies, shallots, tomatoes and fruits. Moreover, currently tobacco plants are not included in commodities that are entitled to fertilizer subsidies from the Government.

"Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture (Permentan) 10 of 2022, tobacco plants are no longer allocated fertilizer subsidies, however, Pupuk Indonesia Group continues to produce fertilizer that can be used by tobacco farmers at competitive prices, namely NPK Petro Ningrat," said Rahmad when inspecting the land of the Makmur program by tobacco farmers in Temanggung, Central Java, Saturday (26/8/2023).

Minister of Agriculture Number 10 of 2022 stipulates 9 strategic commodities that are entitled to receive fertilizer subsidies, namely rice, corn, soybeans, chilies, shallots, garlic, coffee, sugarcane and cocoa. Previously, fertilizer subsidy commodities were intended for around 72 commodities including tobacco.

For tobacco farmers who want to get guaranteed fertilizer, Rahmad told about the Makmur Program. The program initiated by BUMN Minister Erick Thohir is aimed at anticipating agricultural constraints. Through the Makmur Program, farmers will be linked to agricultural ecosystems so that they have easy access to fertilizers and obtain funding.

The agricultural ecosystem in question starts from project leaders, insurance, financial institutions, agricultural technology, agro-inputs, regional governments, and offtakers. This ecosystem is a collaboration between SOEs. That way, farmers who join the Makmur program receive assistance, funding from banks, insurance guarantees, guaranteed absorption of production from all stakeholders involved in the ecosystem.

Meanwhile Yopie, as the Temanggung tobacco grader, is satisfied with the quality of Petro Ningrat's NPK fertilizer. It's just that he hopes that Pupuk Indonesia can produce more specific fertilizers for tobacco plants. “So far we have used Petro Ningrat fertilizer and we are satisfied with the quality and competitive price. But we also hope that there will be additional micro elements of Mg (magnesium) and boron so that we no longer add these elements ourselves," he said.

The same thing was expressed by Bangun, a tobacco farmer in Temanggung. He admitted that he had used Petro Ningrat NPK fertilizer for his tobacco plants. "Until now I like to use Petro Ningrat fertilizer which is for tobacco plants," said Bangun.

NPK Petro Ningrat 12-11-20 fertilizer is available in 20 kilogram packages, and has nutrients that are in accordance with the needs of tobacco and horticultural crops. This commercial fertilizer contains nitrogen in the form of nitrate and is low in chlorine. The advantage is being able to improve the aroma, color, taste and flexibility of tobacco leaves. Tobacco leaves themselves have many uses such as pesticides, medicines, cosmetics, local anesthetics, skin care, and biofuels. Then the advantages of Petro Ningrat's NPK can also make plants more upright and sturdy, and more resistant to pest attacks, stimulate the formation of tubers and fruit, suitable for use on dry land, and dissolve in water so that they are easily absorbed by plants.

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