Securing The Stock, Pupuk Indonesia Provides 936,152 Tons of Subsidized Urea and NPK

  • Posted by User01
  • 28 August2023
  • 09:30WIB

KARAWANG - The President Director of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), Rahmad Pribadi stated that subsidized fertilizer stocks were in a safe position or complied with the provisions stipulated in the Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag) Number 4 of 2023 concerning Procurement and Distribution of Subsidized Fertilizers for the Agricultural Sector.

“Right now I'm at the Klari Warehouse which is a line III warehouse. The warehouse is fully stocked, so for all farmers in Indonesia, especially those in Klari and its surroundings, God willing, subsidized fertilizer stocks will be safe," said Rahmad after visiting the Klari Karawang Warehouse, West Java, Thursday (24/8/2023). In this activity, he also accompanied by the President Director of PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek (PKC), Maryadi.

subsidized fertilizer stocks in the Karawang Regency area currently amount to 7,813 tons consisting of 6,152 tons of urea and 1,661 tons of NPK. Meanwhile at the Klari Warehouse, the subsidized fertilizer stock is currently 2,400 tons, consisting of 1,589 tons of urea and 811 tons of NPK.

Nationally, Pupuk Indonesia has provided subsidized fertilizer stocks of 936,152 tons. The subsidized fertilizer stock consists of 562,052 tons of urea and 374,100 tons of NPK. The total stock of subsidized fertilizer is equivalent to 382 percent of the minimum requirement set by the Government, meaning that the current stock conditions can meet the needs of subsidized fertilizer for farmers for the next three weeks.

This subsidized fertilizer can only be redeemed for e-Allocation registered farmers or in accordance with Government provisions stipulated in the Minister of Agriculture Regulation (Permentan) Number 10 of 2022. The criteria for farmers who are entitled to redeem or receive subsidized fertilizer allocations must be members of farmer groups, registered with SIMLUHTAN (Agricultural Extension Management Information System), works on a maximum of two hectares of land. This regulation also stipulates 9 strategic commodities that are entitled to receive fertilizer subsidies, namely rice, corn, soybeans, chilies, shallots, garlic, coffee, sugarcane, and cocoa, from previously designated for around 72 commodities. That way, farmers who do not meet the criteria in Permentan 10 of 2022 are not entitled to receive subsidized fertilizer allocations.

Pupuk Indonesia has also managed to distribute subsidized fertilizer of 4.17 million tons or 53.1 percent of the allocation. The details are as follows, 2.45 million tons of subsidized urea type fertilizer has been distributed and 2.91 million tons of subsidized NPK including subsidized cocoa NPK. That way, Pupuk Indonesia will distribute around 3.68 million tons of subsidized fertilizer by the end of 2023.

In addition, Pupuk Indonesia urges farmers to redeem fertilizer at official kiosks as an effort to avoid misuse of the selling price or the redemption price. In every official kiosk there is also information on the highest retail price (HET) of subsidized fertilizer in accordance with government regulations. Farmers can also take advantage of Pupuk Indonesia's customer service if they find activities outside the provisions regarding subsidized fertilizers. Pupuk Indonesia customer service can be accessed free of charge or toll free at 0800 100 8001 or WA at 0811 9918 001, this service operates from Monday to Friday.

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