Pupuk Indonesia Received 3 Awards At IDEAS 2023

  • Posted by User01
  • 8 August2023
  • 14:15WIB

JAKARTA – Online Media Company, Humas Indonesia, gave a lot of appreciation in the form of awards to PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero). At the Indonesia DEI & ESG Awards (IDEAS), this Pupuk Indonesia managed to win three awards at once. The three awards are in the category of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) BUMN non-Tbk.

The Corporate Secretary of Pupuk Indonesia, Wijaya Laksana, stated that the awards received in the appreciation of the Company's three strategic programs that had been implemented. "Pupuk Indonesia welcomes the three awards given by Public Relations Indonesia. Because this IDEAS held two categories which were attended by hundreds of agencies starting from Ministries/Institutions (K/L) both central and regional, as well as state-owned companies in this case the State Owned Company," said Wijaya, Friday (4/8/2023) .

Wijaya revealed that IDEAS is a competition for communication or public relations programs based on best practices in implementing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) communications. IDEAS is also a symbol of the achievement of communication programs related to issues of equality or discrimination-free and sustainability policies for the environment which are currently a global concern.

The three strategic programs of Pupuk Indonesia that have won awards are the respectful workplace policy (RWP) program. This program won silver in the DEI practice-based strategic public relations program category in the sub-category of gender equality and diversity. Furthermore, the virtual walk, run & cycling (Viral) implementation program won silver in the ESG practice-based strategic public relations category in the employee relations sub-category, and the Nusantara Heritage Conservation Program (Wastra) won a bronze award in the practice-based strategic public relations category. ESG in the sub-category of relations with Community/community.

The RWP program is a company policy that aims to promote mutual respect and protect the dignity of all employees with mutual respect and respect within the Company.

While Viral is a Company program that is run by all employees in getting used to a healthy lifestyle by exercising (running, walking and cycling) regularly or every day. While Wastra, is the Company's commitment to preserve and develop the existence of traditional Indonesian fabrics through promotion, assistance and funding in expanding market reach.

Founder and CEO of Public Relations Indonesia, Asmono Wikan stated that public relations (PR) people have an important role in communicating the company's strategic programs that are in line with the values contained in DEI and ESG. In addition, according to him, public relations practitioners also play a role in providing certainty regarding sustainability in the future. That the implementation of the DEI and ESG can benefit not only the organization, but also various aspects ranging from social, cultural, environmental to economic.

“Currently the international community is photographing the implementation of DEI and ESG. Meanwhile, investors pay close attention to the application of ESG to evaluate company performance as a consideration for their investment plans," he said.

At the IDEAS 2023 event, Pupuk Indonesia's subsidiary, PT REkayasa Industri (Rekind) also won a silver award in the ESG-based strategic communication category with the social program sub-category. The program that won appreciation was the “Mampir” program which is Rekind's strategic communication program in the Jambaran Tiung Biru (JTB) project.

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