Pupuk Indonesia Perkuat Whistleblowing System Together With KPK & LPSK

  • Posted by User01
  • 8 August2023
  • 12:03WIB

JAKARTA - PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) strengthened cooperation with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) in the Anti-fraud Commitment in the Pupuk Indonesia Group Environment. This collaboration was realized through the launching of the Multi Company Whistleblowing System (WBS) Application, at the Pupuk Indonesia Head Office, Jakarta, Wednesday (2/8/2023).

The Main Director of Pupuk Indonesia, Rahmad Pribadi explained that the WBS is a medium for stakeholders in reporting complaints of alleged fraud by the Pupuk Indonesia Group, especially complaints of corruption. In this latest application, WBS Pupuk Indonesia has been integrated with the KPK.

In addition, Pupuk Indonesia is also committed to providing protection for reporters and all related parties in handling complaints of suspected fraud, through the implementation of cooperation with the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK).

"Pupuk Indonesia is currently undergoing a business transformation. For this reason, Pupuk Indonesia is committed to carrying out business transformation based on the principles of good corporate governance and upholding integrity and an anti-fraud culture. We currently have a WBS and are now more advanced because it is integrated with the KPK, this will certainly increase the credibility of anti-fraud management at the Pupuk Indonesia Group, because the WBS is an important component for controlling or preventing fraud," said Rahmad.

Meanwhile, on the same occasion, Pupuk Indonesia signed an addendum to the cooperation agreement with the KPK, as well as a memorandum of understanding with LPSK. In addition, an anti-fraud commitment was also signed within the Pupuk Indonesia Group, to strengthen the anti-fraud culture and can become a guideline for all Pupuk Indonesia Group personnel.

Rahmad further explained that the strategic steps taken by Pupuk Indonesia Group in dealing with fraud were adhering to the AKHLAK values (Trustful, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive and Collaborative), Development of a Fraud Control System, Implementation of an Anti-Bribery Management System of SNI ISO 37001 :2016, Implementation of ISO 37301:2021 Compliance Management System.

He also added, Pupuk Indonesia Group has implemented SNI ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management, Gratification Control, ISO 37002-2021 Whistleblowing Management System, Conflict of Interest Control, and Official Wealth Reporting (LHKPN).

"Hopefully with what we implement, Pupuk Indonesia can carry out the mandate given by the state to support national food security and we can carry out other tasks given according to the targets given," said Rahmad.

For this reason, as an effort to increase commitment and understanding of the anti-fraud culture within the company, Pupuk Indonesia Group consistently implements the Internalization of an anti-fraud culture. One of them is through a workshop entitled "Strengthening the Culture and Anti-Fraud Commitment of Pupuk Indonesia Group" by presenting two speakers from BPKP and KPK.

The resource person from BPKP conveyed the model and impact of fraud in the BUMN environment. The material is based on data on fraud cases handled by BPKP from SOEs. Meanwhile the speaker from the Corruption Eradication Commission spoke about the real form of active participation of Company personnel in controlling and preventing fraud at the Pupuk Indonesia Group.

"This collaborative program with the KPK and LPSK is an implementation of the AKHLAK values within the Pupuk Indonesia Group," concluded Rahmad.

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