Commemorating 3 Years of Morals, Pupuk Indonesia Holds Akhlak Culture Festival and 2023 Innovation Convention

  • Posted by User01
  • 2 August2023
  • 11:55WIB

JAKARTA – In order to commemorate 3 years of the implementation of AKHLAK culture, PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) held the AKHLAK Culture Festival and the 2023 Pupuk Indonesia Innovation Award (PIIA) innovation convention. Through this activity the Company is committed to implementing a work culture according to AKHLAK's core values, namely trustworthiness , harmonious, competent, loyal, adaptive, and collaborative.

The President Director of Pupuk Indonesia, Rahmad Pribadi stated that the implementation of the AKHLAK culture has proven successful in supporting the improvement of the performance of state-owned companies, one of which is the Pupuk Indonesia Group. “All of us BUMN employees must be proud to have AKHLAK values. The AKHLAK program was launched by BUMN Minister Erick Thohir three years ago. Therefore, it is only natural that we at Pupuk Indonesia Group cultivate AKHLAK in our daily lives, both in the company and within our respective families," said Rahmad at the AKHLAK Culture Festival and the PIIA Pupuk Indonesia innovation convention in Jakarta, Sunday ( 30/7/2023).

In commemorating 3 years of AKHLAK, many activities have been carried out by Pupuk Indonesia. Starting from competitions between BUMN employees, surveys, sharing sessions, testimonials from Culture Journey Cross BUMN Companies, to BUMN Volunteer Activities.

Apart from commemorating the 3rd year of the implementation of the AKHLAK culture, Rahmad said that Pupuk Indonesia also held the PIIA 2023 innovation convention. This was a competition event, as well as a means of sharing knowledge, as well as management appreciation for the innovative breakthroughs made by Pupuk Indonesia personnel. Where innovation this year brings many improvements and improvements, both in terms of systems and work processes.

The PIIA 2023 innovation convention is also in line with the direction of the Minister of BUMN Erick Thohir who asked Pupuk Indonesia to continue to innovate and transform to become a world-class company. At least 220 innovations were recorded at the PIIA 2023 innovation convention. Of these, 20 innovations received the best ratings by the jury. Furthermore, the winners will represent the company to take part in an innovation competition at the Pupuk Indonesia Group level. If they pass again, they can represent the company in national and even international innovation competitions. Meanwhile, all of these innovation works generate various values, both in the form of realization and still in the form of potential, which if calculated, the value reaches IDR 4.3 trillion.

Rahmad further explained that the implementation of the AKHLAK culture, especially adaptive, is very closely related to the innovation activities carried out by the Company. Rahmad explained that disruption is a big challenge for Pupuk Indonesia so that innovation is needed to answer this challenge. "So, being adaptive to this innovation are two things that cannot be separated and that is the essence of today's celebration, because Pupuk Indonesia will be an adaptive organization, we will be at the forefront in all fields that we currently have. I am sure that Pupuk Indonesia can, not only prosper Indonesia but become an important milestone for food security in the world," he said.

According to Rahmad, many innovative works produced by Pupuk Indonesia personnel have received recognition and awards, both at the national and international levels. One of them is PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero)'s PreciX Innovation Cluster Team which won a gold award at the 2023 International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX) which took place at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC), Malaysia.

"I hope that from these innovations new breakthroughs will emerge that can encourage Pupuk Indonesia to grow and be better prepared to face challenges in the future, and I hope that today will be a joint momentum to move forward together to make Pupuk Indonesia the greatest not only in Indonesia but also in the international arena, “ he concluded.

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