Many Imitation Fertilizers Harm Farmers, Pupuk Indonesia: Don't Be Fooled By Cheap Price
JAKARTA – PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) appealed to all farmers to be aware of the circulation of imitation fertilizers ahead of the planting season. This is because the imitation fertilizer products are very identical in terms of packaging and product brands, especially subsidized fertilizers belonging to Pupuk Indonesia (Persero).
SVP PSO West Region of Pupuk Indonesia, Fickry Martawisuda said that both subsidized and non-subsidized products belonging to Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) could only be obtained at official complete fertilizer kiosks (KPL) as partners. In fact, fertilizer products belonging to Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) have exclusive rights to subsidized fertilizer trademarks.
"Therefore, we as producers appeal to all farmers to be aware of the circulation of imitation fertilizers. Farmers should also not be easily tempted by cheap prices, because the distribution of imitation fertilizers is very detrimental to farmers, this is because the nutrient content of imitation fertilizers is not in accordance with the applicable SNI," said Fickry.
In addition to exclusive rights, Fickry said that farmers could differentiate from the sack packaging owned by the Pupuk Indonesia Group. The characteristics of Pupuk Indonesia's original products are as follows; there is a call center number, SNI logo, distribution permit number. Pupuk Indonesia products are also registered with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, and have quality and content according to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI).
From the side of the sack, the farmers can also see directly the words 'Government Subsidized Fertilizer, Goods Under Control'. In addition, there are special characteristics in the form of fertilizer, especially subsidized fertilizers, namely in the form of prill and granules and having a distinctive color, such as pink or pink subsidized Urea fertilizer, and red-brown NPK-type subsidized fertilizer. In addition, farmers can also ensure the authenticity of subsidized fertilizer products by contacting Pupuk Indonesia's customer service at a toll-free contact at 0800 100 8001 or WA 0811 9918 001.
"Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) will increase outreach to farmers about imitation fertilizers, especially subsidized fertilizers. We will carry out socialization in mass media, websites, online media, social media, official kiosks, as well as on other socialization opportunities," he said.
For farmers who wish to receive subsidized fertilizer allocations, they must meet the requirements or criteria set out in Permentan No. 10 of 2022. The conditions for obtaining subsidized fertilizers are that they must join a farmer group, be registered in the Agricultural Extension Management Information System (SIMLUHTAN), and cultivate the land. maximum of two hectares. This regulation also focuses on fertilizer subsidies for Urea and NPK types.
As of May 24, 2023, distribution of subsidized fertilizers amounted to 2,860,975 tons, consisting of 1,684,173 tons of Urea, 1,165,375 tons of NPK Phonska and 11,426 tons of special NPK formula. Specifically for the PSO West Region which covers the entire island of Sumatra, West Java & Banten, as well as Central Java & DIY, Fickry said that subsidized fertilizer had distributed 1,550,923 tons consisting of 906,466 tons of Urea, 644,386 tons of NPK Phonska, and NPK special formula of 71 tons.
Meanwhile, in terms of stock in the Western Region PSO, Fickry said that there were 342,181 tons or 259% of the minimum stock provisions set by the Government, which was 132,175 tons. The details of subsidized fertilizer stocks that are ready to be distributed in the PSO West Region are 209,371 tons of Urea, 130,049 tons of Phonska NPK and 2,762 tons of special Formula NPK.
"Towards the digitalization era, Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) will also utilize the REKAN application as a fertilizer redemption system. This system can be implemented for subsidized fertilizer distribution transactions by kiosk/retail partners and it is hoped that this application will make it easier for farmers to redeem subsidized fertilizer. Piloting has been implemented in Bali Province as well as in Aceh Besar District," concluded Fickry.