Rekind's Masterpiece in the JTB Gas Project Begins to Flow to Petrokimia Gresik

JAKARTA (25/1) - The struggle and sacrifice that PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) has put in through hard work, innovation and strong commitment to the Jambaran-Tiung Biru (JTB) Unitization Gas Field Development Project are starting to reap positive results. One of Rekind's masterpieces from its 41 years of work building businesses in the EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) sector, slowly but surely begins to move to support government programs, especially in supporting strength in the economic sector and food security.
This picture can be seen when natural gas from the JTB Unitization Field, which is purely worked on by the nation's children through Rekind, since Monday (16/1) has started to flow first to PT Petrokimia Gresik (PKG), East Java, including its subsidiaries. It is planned that PKG will absorb 15-17 MMSCFD of natural gas. In distributing gas from the JTB Field, this gas flow utilizes the Gresik-Semarang Transmission Pipeline which is managed by Subholding Gas affiliate, namely PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas).
"Of course, this image gives a special sense of pride for us, the Rekind extended family, who have actively contributed to building the JTB Gas Field Development Project," emphasized Rekind's Main Director Triyani Utaminingsih.
Moreover, continued the woman who is familiarly called Yani, Rekind's masterpiece in the JTB Field Project which was born through great struggle and sacrifice, is now starting to feel its contribution, especially in supporting the National Economic Recovery (PEN) and Food Security programs which are being intensively promoted by the government. Apart from being proud of being able to support government programs through his hard work, Yani also dedicated this pride to the struggle and sacrifice of all Rekind's best people who tirelessly devote their best competence to the JTB Gas Field project owned by PT Pertamina EP Cepu. In fact, because of this big commitment, Rekind's manpower fell due to the Covid 19 pandemic. He admitted that the pandemic also had a big impact on the existence of the company he leads, because Rekind had to carry the costs due to the pandemic alone.
Even so, the JTB Gas Field Project in the hands of a subsidiary of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) was able to make achievements which ultimately led to benefits for the state. In this National Strategic project, Rekind's masterpiece is one of the largest gas producers in Indonesia. From the target of 172 MMSCFD set by the government, precisely through Rekind's competence, JTB was able to generate gas sales of 192 MMSCFD. That is, there is an additional difference in profits for the country of 20 MMSCFD. A little illustration, 1 MMSCFD is equivalent to approximately 25 thousand liters of fuel. If 20 MMSCFD means there are around 500 thousand liters per day as a form of Rekind's contribution in increasing state revenue.
Not only that, since the tender was held, Rekind was able to control the price. In terms of capital expenditure (Capex) it is lower than several large projects built in Indonesia, both from fertilizer projects to oil and gas. The Gas Purification Project was able to reduce its Capex by USD 200 million by winning the Rekind-JGC consortium as the main contractor to compete with the Chiyoda-WIKA consortium. In comparison, in the construction of a fertilizer factory, Rekind is also able to provide lower prices compared to its competitors, such as the Pusri IIB project, where the Rekind-Toyo consortium was able to reduce the project value by up to USD 45 million compared to competitors' prices. In this project, Rekind can save state expenditure of USD 69 million compared to competitors' offering prices.
Apart from cooperating with local workers, in the JTB project, Rekind has appointed 268 local vendors with a contract value of IDR 3.25 trillion. In this project Rekind was also able to produce a TKDN value of 40.69%, higher than its commitment of only 40.03%.
"Through the competence, commitment and innovation that we have developed, Rekind is always ready to fully support the government in realizing hopes for increasing national economic growth and creating the nation's energy security and food security. Rekind is very consistent and fully focused in order to be able to give the best results in every assignment given. All work is carried out with maximum care and professionalism through the application of Rekind's innovations, starting from the design process to building technological infrastructure and having a high level of difficulty." Yani said.