Pupuk Indonesia Encourages Indramayu Farmers to Achieve Food Self-Sufficiency Through Balanced Fertilization & Rice Cultivation on Dry Land

Indramayu, March 6, 2025 – PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) is calling on all farmers in Indramayu, West Java, to support the national food self-sufficiency program through balanced fertilization and the expansion of rice cultivation in dryland areas. This initiative serves as a strategy to boost agricultural productivity and farmers' income, particularly in rain-fed or dryland farming areas.
This message was conveyed by Pupuk Indonesia’s Corporate Secretary, Wijaya Laksana, during the Safari Makmur & Penjualan Berhadiah event, as well as the Multilocation Demonstration Plot Test of NPK Fertilizer for Gogo Rice, held in Kroya District, Indramayu Regency, West Java, on Thursday (6/3/2025).
"I would like to emphasize that Pupuk Indonesia is fully committed to supporting the government’s food self-sufficiency program, particularly by ensuring the optimal availability of essential nutrients for crops. We have also partnered with the Cayut Indah Farmer Group Association (Gapoktan) in Kroya District to expand rice cultivation in dryland areas," said Wijaya.
At this site, a demonstration test of NPK Special Formula Fertilizer for Gogo Rice was conducted using Inpago 13 Fortize rice seeds on dryland intercropped with mango trees. Currently, rice productivity on dryland is only 2–3 tons per hectare. However, through the introduction of advanced rice seed technology and the use of NPK Special Formula Fertilizer, productivity is expected to increase to an average of 6 tons per hectare," Wijaya explained.
The Makmur Program, which stands for "Mari Kita Majukan Usaha Rakyat" (Let’s Advance the People’s Enterprises), was launched by Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Erick Thohir, in August 2021 and has continued to grow. This initiative establishes an integrated agricultural ecosystem from upstream to downstream, providing multiple benefits to farmers, including productivity enhancement and government support for food self-sufficiency.
"The Makmur Program aims to increase agricultural land productivity by providing assistance to farmers, including guidance on using fertilizers and high-quality seeds, as well as connecting farmers with offtakers who are ready to purchase their harvests," Wijaya elaborated.
Through the Makmur Program, farmers can analyze soil nutrient content using Soil Testing Mobile Units (Mobil Uji Tanah/MUT) and receive guidance from agronomists and agricultural students under the Taruna Makmur initiative. This ensures that farmers receive precise fertilizer dosage recommendations based on soil conditions and crop requirements, enabling them to adopt good agricultural practices (GAP).
As of December 2024, the Makmur Program, implemented by Pupuk Indonesia, has involved 170,969 farmers and covered 451,537 hectares of farmland—exceeding the initial target of 350,000 hectares nationwide. This program supports various strategic commodities, including rice, sugarcane, corn, palm oil, coffee, cassava, cocoa, and horticultural crops. The largest contribution comes from rice cultivation, covering 124,845 hectares and involving 40,416 farmers.
Wijaya affirmed that the Makmur Program will continue in 2025, as it is a key initiative for Pupuk Indonesia to contribute to national food self-sufficiency. This year, the company targets expanding the Makmur Program to cover 500,000 hectares, with 200,000 hectares allocated for rice cultivation and 300,000 hectares for other commodities.
In 2025, Pupuk Indonesia has been assigned by the government to produce and distribute subsidized fertilizers, with a total allocation of 9.55 million tons, consisting of:
- 4.6 million tons of Urea,
- 4.2 million tons of NPK,
- 147,798 tons of NPK Special Formula, and
- 500,000 tons of Organic fertilizer.
Wijaya further explained that the Safari Makmur initiative aims to enhance farmers' knowledge and capabilities by fostering strategic partnerships with stakeholders. This program facilitates direct engagement with farmer groups (Poktan/Gapoktan) and strengthens Pupuk Indonesia’s role in supporting President Prabowo’s national food security agenda.
"The Safari Makmur Program in Kroya District, Indramayu Regency, will remain an ongoing initiative with real and sustainable benefits for farmers. In implementing Safari Makmur, Pupuk Indonesia has collaborated with several State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), including PT Sang Hyang Seri, PT Askrindo, Perum Perhutani, Bank Indonesia, Bank Mandiri, BULOG, the Ministry of Agriculture’s Agricultural Assembly & Modernization Agency (BRMP), and the Big Rice Instrument Testing Center (BBPSI Padi). The goal is to enhance farming efficiency, increase productivity, and improve farmers' livelihoods," Wijaya stated.
"Through on-farm assistance focused on boosting farmer productivity, the Makmur Program has led to significant yield improvements, including:
- Rice production increased by 14%, from 5.7 tons per hectare to 6.5 tons per hectare
- Corn production rose by 23%, from 4.7 tons per hectare to 5.8 tons per hectare
- Sugarcane production grew by 3%, from 66.2 tons per hectare to 68 tons per hectare
- Palm oil yields improved by 7%, from 22.84 tons per hectare to 24.44 tons per hectare
- Coffee production surged by 48%, from 525 kg per hectare to 775 kg per hectare
This initiative will continue to empower farmers and strengthen Indonesia’s food security efforts," Wijaya concluded.