Here Is How You Redeem Your Subsidized Fertilizer When You Are Sick
Jakarta, February 28, 2025 – The government, through the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan), has issued regulations governing the procedure for redeeming subsidized fertilizers for registered farmers. Under this regulation, farmers are provided with easier access to redeem subsidized fertilizers at Complete Fertilizer Kiosks (KPL) or retailers in their respective regions.
"Pupuk Indonesia, together with the government, is committed to providing farmers with easier access and a simpler distribution mechanism for subsidized fertilizers," stated Pupuk Indonesia's VP of Corporate Communication, Cindy Systiarani Galuhchandri.
Registered farmers listed in the Definitive Group Needs Plan (RDKK) only need to bring their National Identity Card (KTP) and cash to redeem subsidized fertilizers using the iPubers application, which has been downloaded by kiosk or retailer owners. The government also facilitates the redemption process if registered farmers face certain issues, such as lost or mismatched ID data, or if they are unable to redeem the fertilizer due to health conditions.
Cindy explained that the redemption of subsidized fertilizers for registered farmers may be delegated to family members, group leaders, group administrators, or fellow members, following the government’s requirements. The representative must at least present a power of attorney letter and the original ID card of the registered farmer. If all required documents are provided, the redemption process can proceed without issues.
"If a farmer is already registered in e-RDKK, they only need to bring their KTP to redeem the subsidized fertilizer and can take it home immediately. For farmers unable to redeem the fertilizer themselves, for example, due to illness, a family member may collect it by presenting a Family Card (KK) and KTP, or a farmer group (gapoktan) representative may do so with a power of attorney letter," Cindy explained.
The ease of redeeming subsidized fertilizers is stipulated in the Director General of Agricultural Infrastructure and Facilities Decision No. 61/KTPS/RC.210/B/11/2024, which is the second amendment to Decision No. 07/KTPS/RC.210/B/02/2024 regarding the distribution of subsidized fertilizers from retail kiosks to farmers.
With this simplified redemption process, Pupuk Indonesia hopes to provide optimal benefits in meeting farmers' fertilizer needs. Cindy encouraged all registered farmers to redeem their subsidized fertilizers as soon as possible to prepare for the April 2025 planting season.
In 2025, Pupuk Indonesia has been mandated by the government to produce and distribute 9.55 million tons of subsidized fertilizer. According to the Indonesian Minister of Agriculture's Decree No. 644/KPTS/SR.310/M.11/2024, the government has allocated 9.5 million tons of subsidized fertilizer, consisting of 4.6 million tons of Urea, 4.2 million tons of NPK, 147,798 tons of Special Formula NPK, and 500,000 tons of Organic Fertilizer.
"Through these efforts, Pupuk Indonesia hopes to deliver maximum benefits to farmers, support their prosperity, and contribute to the achievement of sustainable food self-sufficiency in Indonesia," Cindy concluded.