Pupuk Indonesia Promotes Cognitive Development in Karangpatihan Village Through Quality Fertilizer Aid

  • Posted by User01
  • 26 September2024
  • 08:58WIB

Ponorogo, September 22, 2024 – PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) once again demonstrated its commitment to supporting national food security through a community empowerment initiative held in Karangpatihan Village, Ponorogo, East Java. Pupuk Indonesia participated to support local government-initiated community empowerment programs that have been ongoing.

Karangpatihan Village was once labeled the "Idiot Village" in 2008 due to the high number of residents with intellectual disabilities. At the time, around 300 villagers suffered from mental retardation, largely due to malnutrition. This condition was exacerbated by barren agricultural land that lacked essential nutrients like iodine and zinc. However, since 2013, thanks to collaborations with various stakeholders, the village's condition has gradually improved. The number of residents with intellectual disabilities has drastically decreased to 98, and empowerment programs have helped improve the community's quality of life.

One of the concrete efforts by Karangpatihan residents has been empowering individuals with disabilities through productive activities such as goat farming and producing Batik Ciprat, the village’s signature batik. These activities aim to create income sources to improve the welfare of the community.

To support these efforts and help break the cycle of intellectual disabilities, Pupuk Indonesia provided high-quality fertilizers, namely NPK Phonska Plus and ZA Plus. The zinc (Zn) content in these fertilizers is believed to play a crucial role in boosting agricultural productivity and, more importantly, improving community nutrition. Zinc absorbed by plants enters the food chain, and by consuming zinc-rich crops, it is hoped that the cognitive development of children and other villagers can be enhanced.

Rahmad Pribadi, President Director of Pupuk Indonesia, who attended the symbolic handover of the assistance, stated, "The key to farming is seeds, water, and fertilizer. Unfortunately, many forget that what we eat depends on what the plants consume. If the fertilizer is not right, what we eat is also not right. Zinc is an essential element for brain and nerve health, and through NPK Phonska Plus fertilizer containing zinc, we hope the crops produced will improve community nutrition, including supporting children's cognitive development. The relationship between agriculture, nutrition, and intelligence is very clear, as we can see here in Karangpatihan. With better agriculture, quality of life can improve."

In addition to providing 1.5 tons of NPK Phonska Plus and 0.5 tons of ZA Plus fertilizers, Pupuk Indonesia also donated 40 goats for livestock farming and fertilizer spraying equipment to support agricultural activities in Karangpatihan Village. This assistance is expected to increase the productivity of farmland in an area known for its chalky soil with poor nutrient content.

Furthermore, Pupuk Indonesia provided equipment for the production of Batik Ciprat, Karangpatihan’s signature product, and committed to purchasing the batik products made by the villagers. This support aims to give a positive boost to the village’s creative economy and improve community welfare by increasing income.

“The hope is that Karangpatihan Village can transform its old image. No longer will people come with pity, but instead, they will come to learn from the innovations created by the community. Hopefully, through these innovations, Pupuk Indonesia can contribute even more tangibly, not only in building food sovereignty but also in enhancing the nation's intelligence through the fertilizers we produce,” Rahmad concluded.

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