Announcement of Pupuk Indonesia Media Award 2023

  • Posted by User01
  • 29 December2023
  • 19:08WIB

Jakarta, December 29, 2023 – PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) announced the 24 winners of the Pupuk Indonesia Media Award (PIMA) 2023 journalism competition. All winners were selected based on the judgment of the Jury Panel, consisting of leaders of national media editorial teams and senior journalists.

Wijaya Laksana, the Corporate Secretary of Pupuk Indonesia, expressed appreciation to all members of the press who participated in PIMA 2023 during a press conference in Jakarta on Friday (29/12/2023). Across four competition categories – Printed Media, Online Media, Television Media, and Photo Essay – a total of 269 journalistic works were submitted by 151 journalists from across Indonesia for PIMA 2023. The winners are entitled to a total prize of IDR 210 million.

"In the second year of organizing PIMA, the competition has become even more competitive, as it is participated in by both national and regional media. It's even more interesting because this year there are participants from international media. Congratulations to the winners," explained Wijaya.

PIMA is a journalistic competition program for both national and regional journalists. The hundreds of entries were submitted and displayed during the period from October 1 to November 30, 2023. PIMA 2023 adopted the theme "Pupuk Indonesia Supports Food Security & Creates a New Future Through Petrochemical Industry Development." Through this program, Pupuk Indonesia aims to further introduce the role of the Company and its subsidiaries in the fertilizer industry in supporting national food security.

This journalistic work appreciation program also includes the performance and operational activities of the ten subsidiaries. The ten subsidiaries of Pupuk Indonesia are PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda, PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang, PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur, PT Petrokimia Gresik, PT Rekayasa Industri, PT Pupuk Indonesia Niaga, PT Pupuk Indonesia Utilitas, PT Pupuk Indonesia Pangan, and PT Pupuk Indonesia Logistik.

"The high enthusiasm is evidence that innovative company programs supported by effective communication strategies will become interesting news material. We thank our media colleagues for their support to the Company," he added.

PIMA 2023 has determined the winners for each category as follows:

The best journalistic work or Champion I was achieved by Maulana Sandijaya (from Jawa Pos Radar Bali), Champion II Abdullah Fikri (Harian Kompas), and Champion III Fredikus (Koran Jakarta). The winners of Honorable Mention I, II, and III were respectively awarded to Slemen Martin (Tribun Sumsel), Irma Yulia (Rakyat Merdeka), and Hendri Nova (Singgalang).

The best journalistic work or Champion I was achieved by Agustina Purwanti (Harian Kompas/, Champion II Dionisius Lagaama R. (Pos Kupang), and Champion III Ilyas Istianur (Liputan6). The recipients of Honorable Mention I Achmad Dwi (, Honorable Mention II Suparjo Ramalan (INews), and Honorable Mention III Rendi Fadilah (

The journalistic work designated as Champion I was by Nurohman (CNBC Indonesia Televisi), Champion II Nata Arman (MNCTV), and Champion III Ajat Hutdiyanto (CNBC Indonesia Televisi). For the winners of Honorable Mention I, II, and III, the journalistic works were from Sholihul Huda (Metro TV), Budi Wahyudi (RCTI), and Agus Ismanto (iNews Media Group).

The final category is Photo Essay, where Champion I was awarded to Idris (, Champion II Muhammad Hatta (, and Champion III Amston (Tempo). Meanwhile, the winners of Honorable Mention I were Evan Zunarti (Sumatera Ekspres), Honorable Mention II Syahrul Hidayat (Sriwijaya Post), and Dwi Prambudo (Rakyat Merdeka).

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