Planting Season Approaches, Pupuk Indonesia Prepares 188 Thousands Tons of Subsidized Fertilizer for South Sulawesi

  • Posted by User01
  • 6 November2023
  • 10:18WIB

MAKASSAR - PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) has prepared a stock of subsidized fertilizer for the South Sulawesi Province (Sulsel) amounting to 188,808 tons as of October 30, 2023. This stock is equivalent to 233 percent of the government's specified November requirement of 81,167 tons.

Wono Budi Tjahyono, the Director of Finance at Pupuk Indonesia, explained after visiting warehouses, distributors, and several kiosks in the city of Makassar and Gowa regency on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, that the total stock consists of 130,250 tons of urea fertilizer, 56,326 tons of NPK fertilizer, and 2,231 tons of a special NPK formula for cocoa.

"All of these stocks exceed the government's regulations. The stock of subsidized urea fertilizer in South Sulawesi is equivalent to 333 percent of the allocation, NPK is at 280 percent of the November allocation, and the special NPK formula for cocoa reaches 101 percent. These fertilizers are more than sufficient to meet the farmers' needs for the next month," said Wono.

To ensure the smooth distribution of subsidized fertilizers to farmers, Pupuk Indonesia has a well-established distribution infrastructure in South Sulawesi. This distribution infrastructure includes 24 warehouses spread across almost all districts/cities, 54 distributors, and 1,093 kiosks. All of these distribution facilities can be monitored digitally and in real-time through the Distribution Planning & Control System (DPCS).

Additionally, to facilitate coordination and strengthen field supervision, Pupuk Indonesia also has 28 field officers located in various areas in South Sulawesi. These field officers regularly coordinate with local government authorities and ensure that subsidized fertilizers are distributed in accordance with the government's allocation.

Wono further assured that subsidized fertilizers would be distributed to farmers in compliance with government regulations. Farmers eligible to receive subsidized fertilizers must meet the criteria outlined in the Ministry of Agriculture Regulation (Permentan) Number 10 of 2022, which includes being part of a farmer group, registered in the Agriculture Extension Management Information System (SIMLUHTAN), and cultivating a maximum of two hectares of land.

This regulation also designates nine strategic agricultural commodities eligible for fertilizer subsidies, including rice, corn, soybeans, chili, shallots, garlic, coffee, sugarcane, and cocoa. In South Sulawesi, cocoa is present in seven regions: Enrekang, Luwu, East Luwu, North Luwu, Pinrang, Soppeng, and Wajo.

"These nine commodities are considered strategic agricultural products that have an impact on inflation rates, making them a priority for enhancing fertilizer subsidy effectiveness," he explained.

In South Sulawesi alone, there are approximately 2,137,350 hectares of farmland cultivated by 933,888 farmers spread across 24 districts/cities. The total e-allocation of subsidized fertilizer for 2023 is 686,714 tons, comprising 420,521 tons of urea, 243,309 tons of NPK, and 22,884 tons of special NPK for cocoa.

Meanwhile, in terms of distribution or the provision of subsidized fertilizer in Sales Region 6, as of October 30, 2023, Pupuk Indonesia has realized and distributed 722,526 tons of subsidized fertilizer, which accounts for 54 percent of the total allocation for the entire year 2023, totaling 1,343,731 tons. Sales Region 6 includes the provinces of Gorontalo, Maluku, North Maluku, Papua, West Papua, West Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, and North Sulawesi.

The breakdown of subsidized fertilizer distribution in Region 6 consists of 407,452 tons of urea (54 percent of the 2023 allocation of 759,205 tons), 290,911 tons of NPK (58 percent of the allocation of 504,665 tons), and 24,163 tons of a special NPK formula for cocoa (30 percent of the 79,861-ton allocation).


About Pupuk Indonesia

PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) is the largest Urea fertilizer producer in Asia and ranks among the top 10 globally, with a total annual factory production capacity of 13.95 million tons of fertilizer. In fulfilling its mission for national food security, PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) and its ten subsidiaries are the largest fertilizer producers in Asia, manufacturing a variety of fertilizers including Urea, NPK, ZA, Organic, and SP-36, distributed across the islands of Java, Sumatra, and Kalimantan. The company is supported by various facilities such as ports and related infrastructure, transportation ships, warehouses, fertilizer packaging units, and workshops that streamline the production and distribution of fertilizers. The operational activities of the Pupuk Indonesia Group encompass the fertilizer, petrochemical, and agrochemical industries, as well as steam and electricity production, transportation and distribution, trade, and EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction).

The ten subsidiary companies mentioned are as follows: PT Petrokimia Gresik (PKG), PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek (PKC), PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (PKT), PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM), PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (PSP), PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind), PT Pupuk Indonesia Niaga (PIN), PT Pupuk Indonesia Logistik (Pilog), PT Pupuk Indonesia Utilitas (PIU), and PT Pupuk Indonesia Pangan (PIP). For more detailed information about Pupuk Indonesia, please visit

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