Clean Water Assistance for Bogor Regency Residents

  • Posted by AdminME
  • 18 October2023
  • 20:23WIB

In 2023, according to the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), the rainy season will experience a setback. This has resulted in many areas in Indonesia experiencing drought, which has an impact on residents who have difficulty getting clean water for their daily needs. One of the places affected is Bangunjaya Village and Ciomas Village, Bogor Regency

The daily water needs of Bangunjaya Village residents are supplied from natural springs whose water discharge is currently very low. Likewise with rainwater storage tanks which are channeled through hoses to mosques and residents' houses. Currently, the reservoir only contains a small amount of murky water because it has not rained for more than three months.

This condition causes many residents to experience difficulties in obtaining clean water. PI Niaga responded to this through PI Niaga's Social & Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) activities, by providing clean water assistance to affected residents, especially in Bangunjaya Village and Ciomas Village - Bogor Regency.

"We are collaborating with the social care community in providing sources and distributing clean water to the residents of Bangunjaya and Ciomas," said Shinta VP Sekper & Legal.

The assistance provided by PI Niaga is in the form of a jet pump which is used to pump water from below the ground surface and a tower as a water reservoir. Apart from that, PI Niaga also sends clean water via several clean water tank trucks.

"Hopefully this assistance can ease the burden on people who are affected by drought and need clean water," concluded Shinta.

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