Pupuk Indonesia's Makmur Program Makes South Sulawesi Farmers Independent and Able to Increase Productivity

PINRANG – The Makmur Program launched by BUMN Minister Erick Thohir has succeeded in making South Sulawesi (Sulsel) farmers independent and able to increase their agricultural productivity. This was conveyed directly by several farmers during dialogue with the President Director of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), Rahmad Pribadi, Friday (1/9/2023).
Winarno, a farmer from Pinrang Regency, said he was happy because his rice productivity had increased. According to him, the increase in productivity was due to assistance from Pupuk Indonesia. "Before my cultivation was mediocre, but after participating in this program my rice productivity increased because of assistance from Pupuk Indonesia," said Winarno.
Apart from mentoring, Winarno also stated that with the Makmur Program, he would get several other benefits such as funding to the certainty of harvest absorption by offtakers. "I also know more about how banking capital comes in through KUR, I have participated in this program from the beginning of 2022 until now and I feel productivity has increased, so my family's welfare has automatically increased, even though the fertilizer I use is non-subsidized fertilizer," he added.
The benefits that Winarno gets are because the Makmur Program is Pupuk Indonesia's effort to connect farmers with agricultural ecosystems that make it easy for farmers to access fertilizer and capital. The agricultural ecosystem in question starts from project leaders, insurance, financial institutions, agricultural technology, agro-inputs, local governments (pemda), and offtakers.
Meanwhile, Daud who is a field agricultural extension worker (PPL) asked the management of Pupuk Indonesia to expand the Makmur Program through demonstration plots (demplot), especially on agricultural land in Parepare City, South Sulawesi. "I am interested in the Prosperous Program, it's good that each sub-district can be socialized, because on average our farmers have used non-subsidized fertilizers, so we feel the Makmur Program can help," said Daud.
In response, the Presindet Director of Pupuk Indonesia, Rahmad Pribadi appreciated the farmers in South Sulawesi who had participated in the Makmur Program. He said that the Makmur Program launched by State Owned Enterprise Minister Erick Thohir aims to assist farmers in increasing productivity and welfare.
“I am very happy to be able to meet fathers and younger farmers who have joined Makmur. Our presence through the Makmur Program is our effort to participate in increasing productivity, hopefully this program will be successful and hopefully all of you farmers will become more prosperous, their families will also be more prosperous. Because if the farmers are prosperous, then Indonesia will also prosper," said Rahmad.