Pupuk Indonesia Invites Students to Provide Agricultural Education in Dieng

BANJARNEGARA - PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) through the collaboration program "Social Tour Dambaan" with the Responsive Cakra Abhipraya Foundation, invited 80 Generation Z people from various regions in Indonesia to help community farmers in Dieng Kulon Village, Kec. Batur, Kab. Banjarnegara, Central Java. The Pupuk Indonesia Social and Environmental Responsibility Program (TJSL) will be held for five days, from 21 to 25 June 2023.
SVP of TJSL Pupuk Indonesia, Rika Susanty, said that the Dambaan Social Tour Program is a recreational program packed with social activities involving young people, generally from students, to provide service to the community in Dieng Kulon Village. The forms of community service carried out are agricultural service, environmental service and educational service. These participants will later be under the coordination of Cakra Abhipraya as volunteers in handling disaster response.
From the agricultural aspect, this program provides education related to agriculture to farmers, such as fertilization, agricultural production inputs (saprodi), and so on. Meanwhile, from the environmental aspect, volunteers will assist in waste management and planting trees to prevent landslides. As well as from the educational aspect, volunteers are equipped with agricultural education as a provision for community service in disaster areas.
"This Social Tour Dambaan carries a mission of kindness. Through this program, Pupuk Indonesia invites prospective volunteers to do agricultural services by spreading goodness throughout Indonesia, which currently starts from Dieng Kulon. We believe kindness can be transmitted, spread and grow to give birth new goodness," said Rika in Dieng, Wednesday (21/06/2023).
In this activity, Pupuk Indonesia handed over a number of assistance in line with the tour's material, including the provision of agricultural production inputs for 200 Dieng Kulon farmers, one unit of garbage collection and 30 units of trash bins placed along village roads, 100 productive perennials seeds , and sports uniforms for 350 elementary school students.
The Dambaan Social Tour Program is an implementation of the TJSL program with the concept of Creating Shared Value (CSV), where the community is involved in the company's business chain and provides value benefits for the company and society. This program fulfills 2 CSV strategies, namely creating market niches for the company's products (Reconcieving product and market) and activating local stakeholders in an effort to reduce social and environmental problems (Enabling local cluster development).
Dieng Kulon Village itself is one of the areas at an altitude of 2,093 meters above sea level (MDPL) and is 55 kilometers from the city of Banjarnegara, Central Java. Dieng Kulon Village is the largest vegetable producing center in Central Java with an agricultural area of 163 thousand hectares. This region is a center for horticultural crops which is the largest potato producer in Central Java.
Meanwhile, Pupuk Indonesia, as a state-owned company, has a moral responsibility to support and optimize this potential by providing fertilizer and other commercial products through the establishment of the Pe-i Shop in Dieng. This makes the company closer to the community, so that it is hoped that the community will also be more confident in using the Pupuk Indonesia group's products.
In addition, through this program the company contributes to creating farmer regeneration, by providing material on agriculture to prospective volunteers and local elementary school students.
"We hope that all volunteers will be able to contribute in supporting the welfare of farmers. We are sure that the participants will also get extraordinary experiences during this activity," he concluded.