Anti-Bribery, PI Niaga Gets Certificate

  • Posted by AdminME
  • 8 June2023
  • 17:18WIB
·       No Bribery (menolak/hindari suap menyuap dan pemerasan);
  • ·       No Kickback (menolak/hindari komisi, tanda terima kasih baik dalam bentuk uang dan dalam bentuk lainnya);
  • ·       No Gift (menolak/hindari hadiah atau gratifikasi yang bertentangan dengan peraturan dan ketentuan yang berlaku);
  • ·       No Luxurious Hospitality (menolak/hindari penyambutan dan jamuan yang berlebihan).


Dalam proses memperoleh sertifikasi SMAP ini, PI Niaga sudah mempersiapkan sejak bulan Februari 2022 dan pada proses sertifikasi harus melalui 2 (dua) tahap assessment oleh auditor eksternal, pada tahap pertama dilaksanakan pada tanggal 9 Mei 2023 untuk cek kesiapan dan pemenuhan dokumen, dan tahap kedua pada tanggal 16 s.d 17 Mei 2023 dengan metode wawancara dan diskusi termasuk Direksi dan Komisaris PI Niaga.

“Sekali lagi kami perlu dukungan dan peran aktif semuanya baik dari insan PI Niaga, stakeholder dan mitra dalam penerapan SNI ISO 37001:2016 SMAP, harapannya sudah tidak ada lagi praktik korupsi dan penyuapan di setiap proses bisnis sehingga perusahaan dapat berjalan lebih efisien dan efektif, meningkatnya GCG dan citra Perusahaan”, pungkas Dundi.


Pupuk Indonesia Niaga successfully completed an SNI ISO 37001: 2016 Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP) certification audit within the scope of the Logistics Compartment and the Corporate Trade Department at PI Niaga Head Office, Jalan Kalibata Timur I, South Jakarta, Wednesday 17 May 2023. The audit was conducted by the Anti-Bribery Management System Certification Institute (LSSMAP) TUV NORD Indonesia which is accredited by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN) LSSMAP-003-IDN.

On this occasion the Director of Finance & HR of PI Niaga, Dundi Insan Perlambang conveyed that the achievement of implementing SNI ISO 37001:2016 SMAP was a reaffirmation and as concrete evidence for PI Niaga to carry out company business processes that are clean from corrupt practices with the principle of Good Corporate Governance. Starting from the Board of Commissioners and Directors, we have committed to implementing ISO 37001 SMAP with the 4 No's principles, namely:

· No. Bribery (refuse/avoid bribery and extortion);

· No Kickback (refuse/avoid commissions, tokens of gratitude both in the form of money and in other forms);

· No Gift (reject/avoid gifts or gratuities that are contrary to applicable rules and regulations);

· No Luxurious Hospitality (refuse/avoid excessive reception and entertainment).

In the process of obtaining SMAP certification, PI Niaga has been preparing since February 2022 and the certification process must go through 2 (two) stages of assessment by external auditors, in the first stage it will be held on May 9 2023 to check document readiness and fulfillment, and in the second stage on 16 to 17 May 2023 using interview and discussion methods including the Directors and Commissioners of PI Niaga.

"Once again we need the support and active role of all from PI Niaga, stakeholders and partners in the implementation of SNI ISO 37001:2016 SMAP, the hope is that there will be no more corruption and bribery practices in every business process so that the company can run more efficiently and effectively, increasing GCG and corporate image”, concluded Dundi.

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