Very Good Qualified PI Niaga GCG Assessment Score

  • Posted by AdminME
  • 6 June2023
  • 10:37WIB

PT Pupuk Indonesia Niaga recorded the achievement of the company's Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Assessment for 2022 with very good qualifications. This achievement has increased when compared to the score in 2021 with the good to very good qualification category.

VP Governance, Sisman & ManRis, Taslan Burhan said that the implementation of the 2022 GCG Assessment was carried out by PI Niaga together with the external assessor PT Sinergi Daya Prima independently and objectively. The qualification score recorded by PI Niaga in 2022 is 87.70% while the previous year's score was 83.061%.

Taslan explained that there are six categories of GCG Assessment assessment, namely Commitment to the Implementation of Sustainable Governance, Shareholders and GMS, Board of Commissioners, Directors, and Disclosure of Information and Transparency as well as other aspects that are generally carried out to optimize value so that the company has strong competitiveness.

"If you have strong competitiveness, the company is able to maintain its existence, provide added value to stakeholders and live sustainably to achieve the company's goals and objectives," said Taslan.

As part of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), he added that the goal of GCG carried out by PI Niaga was also to encourage professional, efficient and effective management of SOEs. In addition, in order to empower functions while increasing the independence of the company's organs.

Taslan continued, the purpose of the Assessment is to measure the quality of GCG implementation through an assessment of the level of fulfillment of the criteria with the real conditions applied at PI Niaga by giving a value for its implementation and the quality category of GCG implementation.

Then to monitor the consistency of GCG implementation at PI Niaga and obtain input for improving and developing corporate governance policies within the company environment.

Mapping and evaluating the completeness of documents, infrastructure and softstructure related to GCG and providing an assessment (scoring) based on the test tool parameters of the Decree of the Secretary of the Minister of BUMN Number SK-16/S.MBU/2012 on GCG practices at PI Niaga and providing evaluation and analysis results.

"Assessments are also carried out to identify the strengths and weaknesses of GCG implementation as well as to propose recommendations for improvements to reduce the gap between GCG criteria and the implementation of GCG in the company," concluded Taslan.

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