Pupuk Indonesia Holds Healthy Walk With BUMN in Aceh - Jambi

JAKARTA – In commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the Ministry of SOEs in 2023. SOE Minister Erick Thohir invited all Indonesians to participate in healthy walks held in 235 regencies/cities spread across 15 provinces. This activity was chosen because it can be followed by all levels of society and various groups. The implementation of this healthy road is carried out simultaneously.
This time, PT Pupuk Indonesia organized healthy roads in three districts, namely North Aceh, Tanjung Jabung Barat and Tanjung Jabung Timur, Jambi, which involved more than 2000 people in each district. "The Ministry of SOEs together with BUMN organizes healthy road activities for employees, families of BUMN employees, and the community with the concept of "SOE Torch Relay" in 234 regencies/cities in Indonesia," said Pupuk Indonesia SVP of Corporate Communication, Wijaya Laksana as quoted on Sunday (19/2/2023).
In addition to the three districts, the implementation of healthy roads is also held in several districts such as Sidenreng, Rappang, and Sinjai Regencies, South Sulawesi Province. The healthy walk with BUMN activities carried out in North Aceh Regency are the result of collaboration between Pupuk Indonesia through PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM) with Askrindo and Pelni. This activity took place at the Stadium Field of the Pupuk Iskandar Muda Housing Complex which is also the coordinator of implementing healthy road activities with BUMN in the North Aceh region.
Meanwhile, in Tanjung Jabung Barat and Timur Regencies, it is carried out by Pupuk Indonesia through PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (PSP) as the implementing coordinator in collaboration with BTN and PTPN VI. Each district also involves about 2,000 people who come from employee families and the general public.
The implementation of the joint BUMN healthy road in three of each district was marked by the handing over of torches by representatives of local governments to representatives of SOEs and continued with a flag off which marked the start of healthy road activities with BUMN.
This activity was enlivened by the distribution of door prizes ranging from LED TVs, folding bicycles, refrigerators, washing machines, gas stoves, and several other attractive prizes. In each event there is also entertainment such as zumba and aerobic dance, band music performances, and DJs.
The healthy road program with BUMN is a form of the Government's concern through the Ministry of SOEs to employees and indicates that SOEs are in the midst of society. This healthy road activity with BUMN will continue to be carried out every week until the peak of the anniversary of the Ministry of SOEs in April 2023.