Pupuk Indonesia Prepares 310,822 Tons of Subsidized Fertilizer for Eastern Indonesia

MAKASSAR (24/1) - PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) is preparing subsidized fertilizer stocks for sales in the eastern part of Indonesia of 310,822 tons as of January 24, 2022. This figure is intended to meet the subsidized fertilizer needs of farmers from East Java to Papua. The stock consists of 158,487 tons of urea and 152,335 tons of NPK or overall these stocks are equivalent to 217 percent of the minimum stock requirement of 143,320 tons.
SVP PSO Timur Pupuk Indonesia, Muhammad Yusri said that the subsidized fertilizer stocks were sufficient to meet the needs of farmers for the next few weeks. This is in accordance with the Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag) Number 04 of 2023 which was previously regulated by the Minister of Trade Regulation Number 15 of 2013.
"The stock of urea fertilizer which reached 158,487 tons is equivalent to 187 percent of the minimum stock requirement (84,415 tons) regulated by the government, while the NPK fertilizer stock of 152,335 tons is equivalent to 258 percent of the stock requirement (58,904 tons). Thus, the stock of urea and NPK fertilizer is sufficient to meet the needs of farmers for the next few weeks," said Yusri.
Yusri said that the stock of subsidized fertilizer in the sale of this area would be fulfilled in 19 provinces starting from the sale of region 4 or East Java of 127,831 tons consisting of 63,381 tons of urea and 64,450 tons of NPK. Furthermore, sales for region 5 amounted to 92,967 tons consisting of 41,323 tons of urea and 51,645 tons of NPK. The stock is spread across Bali amounting to 9,107 tons consisting of 4,951 tons of urea and 4,156 tons of NPK, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) 10,837 tons consisting of 5,069 tons of urea and 5,768 tons of NPK, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) of 24,105 tons consisting of 12,291 tons of urea and 11,813 tons of NPK.
Next, West Kalimantan with 9,509 tons consisting of 4,300 tons of urea and 5,209 tons of NPK, Central Kalimantan with 22,298 tons consisting of 6,812 tons of urea and 15,486 tons of NPK, South Kalimantan with 7,396 tons consisting of 3,931 tons of urea and 3,464 tons of NPK, Kalimantan East with 7,970 tons consisting of 3,270 tons of urea and 4,700 tons of NPK, North Kalimantan with 1,746 tons consisting of 697 tons of urea and 1,048 tons of NPK.
Meanwhile, area 6 sales amounted to 90,023 tons consisting of 53,784 tons of urea and 36,240 NPK. The distribution area is North Sulawesi with 6,769 tons consisting of 4,290 tons of urea and 2,478 tons of NPK, Gorontalo with 8,019 tons consisting of 4,268 tons of urea and 3,751 tons of NPK, Central Sulawesi with 12,030 tons consisting of 8,400 tons of urea and 3,630 tons of NPK. Southeast Sulawesi with 8,150 tonnes consisting of 5,006 tonnes of urea and 3,144 tonnes of NPK.
Furthermore, South Sulawesi with 39,880 tons consisting of 23,706 tons of urea and 16,174 tons of NPK, West Sulawesi with 5,767 tons consisting of 2,566 tons and 3,3200 tons of NPK, Maluku with 1,458 tons consisting of 831 tons of urea and 626 tons of NPK, Papua with 5,600 tons. tons consisting of 3,483 tons of urea and 2,117 tons of NPK, North Maluku with 1,130 tons consisting of 506 tons of urea and 625 tons of NPK, West Papua with 1,221 tons consisting of 727 tons of urea and 494 tons of NPK.
Yusri further revealed that all subsidized fertilizer stocks sold in the eastern part of Indonesia will be distributed or distributed to farmers who have met the requirements of the Minister of Agriculture Regulation (Permentan) Number 10 of 2022. Farmers who are entitled under this rule are farmers who are entitled to receive namely the obligation to join a farmer group, be registered in the SIMLUHTAN (Agricultural Extension Management Information System), cultivate a maximum of two hectares of land, and use a Farmer's Card (for certain areas).
Minister of Agriculture Number 10 of 2022 also only provides allocations for 9 commodities from previously around dozens of commodities. Meanwhile, the commodities that receive subsidized fertilizers are rice, corn, soybeans, chilies, onions, garlic, sugar cane, cocoa, and coffee. These nine commodities are strategic agriculture which have an impact on inflation so that other commodities no longer receive allocations
Meanwhile, in terms of distribution or distribution of subsidized fertilizers in the eastern region, sales were recorded at 190,505 tons as of January 23, 2023, consisting of 121,789 tons of urea, 68,238 tons of NPK, and 479 tons of NPK specifically for cocoa. When viewed from the sales of each region, the realization for sales of region 4 was 95,341 tons consisting of 62,612 tons of urea and 32,729 tons of NPK. Meanwhile sales for region 5 reached 47,187 tons consisting of 30,373 tons of urea and 16,814 tons of NPK. Furthermore, for area 6 sales areas, Pupuk Indonesia has distributed 47,978 tons consisting of 28,804 tons of urea fertilizer, 18,695 tons of NPK, and 479 tons of special NPK for cocoa.