Pupuk Indonesia Socializes National Insights to Safeguard National Vital Objects

JAKARTA – PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) is ready to socialize the national awareness program belonging to the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) to all employees of the Pupuk Indonesia Group. This is a follow-up to the company's cooperation with the National Counterterrorism Agency which was previously stated in the Signing of the Synergy Cooperation Agreement.
Deputy Main Director of Pupuk Indonesia Nugroho Christijanto said that Pupuk Indonesia is a BUMN that has a strategic role in national development. The company carries out a special task from the Government to support national food sovereignty, in which in developing this task Pupuk Indonesia operates five fertilizer factories and is supported by five subsidiaries.
"Pupuk Indonesia Group has many factories that hold the status of national vital objects (obvitnas). For this reason, Pupuk Indonesia is committed to creating a safe and conducive work environment because threats and disturbances will always arise in the implementation of its activities," said Nugroho at the Socialization of National Insights with BNPT in Jakarta, Tuesday (17/1/2023).
To maintain the continuity of the factory's operations, Nugroho said Pupuk Indonesia was ready to carry out the socialization of the national insight program. This is because this program is important to prevent criminal acts of terrorism within the Pupuk Indonesia Group. "Through the dissemination of national insights, it is hoped that it can create a work environment and behavior of Pupuk Indonesia personnel that are free from radical terrorism," he added.
On the same occasion, the Head of BNPT Boy Rafli Amar appreciated Pupuk Indonesia for its commitment to socialize the national insight program. He said that the crime of terrorism stems from an intolerant radical ideology and can grow anywhere.
"As a world-class national company that holds the status of a national vital object, PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) which is engaged in advancing the national agricultural sector and providing a national economic and social impact absolutely needs to have a good work environment and be free from the ideology of terrorism and be able to become a agents of the messenger of peace," said Boy.
Therefore, Boy hopes that the dissemination of national insight which is a follow-up to the Signing of the Synergy Cooperation Agreement can strengthen synergy with BUMN in the context of tackling terrorism. According to Boy, this commitment to dissemination of national insights is one of the real implementations in combining all national potentials to fight the ideology of radicalism and terrorism.
"We hope that today's activities will raise awareness and vigilance for all of us to jointly prevent the seeds of intolerance from developing into things that can threaten the integrity of the nation," concluded Boy.